chapter 6

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                   johns pov.

we arrived at the lake,it was so beautiful.I turned around to see paul far behind,his face dripping with sweat and bright red.

"hurry up paulie" I shouted trying not to sound desperate.he started running and I smiled like an idiot.

"you' to...slow...down john" paul huffed.I laughed and grabbed his hand and and sat down.

"soo what do you want to talk about" paul said after a few minutes of silence.I thought for a few seconds.paul looked at me his doe eyes sparkling in the sun,his plump lips formed a perfect smile.I wanted to kiss him right there and then..what am I saying I'm not queer and even if I was paul would never go out with some one like me.

my vision started to go blurry,so I put on my glasses.

"i do love it when you wear your glassed john" paul said giving a slight smile before blushing.I smirked

"and what makes you say that?" I asked.Paul's face dropped.

"well..I uh they just suit you" he said rather quickly.

He led down in the grass,eyes closed,arms supporting his head.I just started at his beautiful face.he looked so much like a girl but then so much like a boy of shall I say 'man' as he likes to call  him self.just being around him gives me butterflys,which only means I'm in love with my band member,my bestfriend..this is so wrong,so so wrong but its so right.I sighed and led down next to paul.

"have you thought about what you wanted to talk about yet" paul said his eyes still closed.

"um yea" I replied quietly.I started fiddling with my thumbs and bitting my lip.

"so paul I'm in love." I said after a while.paul shot up and looked at me a hopeful buy also hurt expression in his eyes.

"really who with" he said doing his funny hand gestures.

"well paul"

"well spit it out johnny" he said poking my arm.I loved it when he card me johnny

"is she pretty" I bit my lip.

"umm paul that's the..that's the thing it..its not a..a g-girl" I stutterd,turning my head away as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"oh" was all he said.I felt my heart break in two.even though he doesnt know that he's the one I love but it felt like he took my heart and ripped it into shreds.

"i bet your disgusted with me bow aren't you" I said standing up.

paul looked up at me and smiled.

"why would I be me bestmate john" those words made me feel so happy.I pulled him close to me and hugged him tight,he hugged me back.

"thank you paul"

"welcome johnny" paul pulled away and looked me

"now whos this man that's got you head over heals?"

I took in a deep breath

        Paul's pov

"now who's this man that's got you head over heals?" I asked john. I secretly hoped it was me but john would never go out with a fool like me.

john sighed. "thats the thing paul the man I love would never go out with me he's to good for me" he fussed about running his hands through Hsu auburn hair,his glasses at the tip of his nose.I walked over to him and pushed his glasses up."thank you paulie" john said pinching my cheeks I laughed "ye welcome"

I checked my watch 7:30 we've been here for hours.

"maybe we should 'ead back" I said stretching

"uh yea" john replied

"hey paulie"


"let's keep this bewteen us two yea"

"sure thing mate"



"if I did something crazy you wouldn't hate me would you"


a/n:cliff hanger thingy .

so yes the story starting to develop more! ain't johnny cute.also guys thank you thank you thank you gor voting! it makes me so happy.

I'm not sure when I can next update because im going to liverpool on Saturday..omg I'm so excited.if you want to see pics from my trip you can add me in Facebook: livvy Moreton or follow Me on instagram:greenday_thebeatles

love it,hate it,like it? let me know in the comments!

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