chapter 8

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            Georges pov

after we finished practiceing,and paul and john had left.

I walked up to ringo and hugged him.

"what was the for geo?" he asked confused but hugged me back any way.

"just a thank you for sticking up.for know johns so called jokes really get to me,just because im the youngest he thinks he can pick on me" I said getting rather upset.

I pulled away and looked at ringo.he lifted my chin up with his fingers and wiped a tear away...wait when was I crying?

"its okay Georgie he picks on me all the time cos I'm little" he said trying to make me feel better.I sniffled and looked him in the eyes.

his blue eyes shon in the studio light.

"i love you eyes rings" I said blushing.

"oh is that so Mr Harrison" he said,smirking.

I chuckled and stared into his eyes.

"um..m..maybe we should get back to the hotel..Brian is expecting us" ringo said.I sighed.


we got in our disguises and walked out of the studio.

the streets of London were awfully quiet and i liked it.ringo would occasionlly brush his fingers against mine.tingles would rush through my body,but I didn't say anything.

"so seen any birds lately?" ringo asked out of the blue.

"uh wh-what?" I asked stupidly.of course I've seen birds but I don't like any of them..I like ringo,ny precious Richard Starkey.

"have you had any luck with birds" he said slowly.

I looked at him and punched him in.the arm.

"i know what you said no need to say it like I'm stupid" we both laughed at this before entering the hotel.

"ah Mr Harrison,Mr Starr.please my I take" one of the hotel workers asked.we tooked of our coats and handed them to him.

"thanks mate" me and ringo said at the same time.we looked st eachother and laughed.

"and what has got you two laughing so much" eppy said walking into the lobby with papers.

"nothing eppy...I mean Brian" I said still giggling.

"hm yeah,you two act like a couple by the way" he said out of nowhere.

"wha...what ye' on about brain" ringo said 'shocked'

"just saying"

before I could say any thing else the hotel doors busted open and a very angry john Lennon ran in.

"you ok john" eppy,ringo and me all said at the same time.

"leave me alone" was john said before running up stairs.


a few minutes later the hotel doors busted open again and in walked a stressed paul...I tell you eqht there in there periods.

"you alright the paul" ringo asked

"if you count as being chased by 200 young girls as being fine then I'm super" paul said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"leave ringo alone" I  said not looking up from the  food I just food

"oh Piss off George just because you fancy 'im.why don't you two just go make out you queers"paul said.

I have to say that hurt...A LOT! but before i could retaliate ringo imediently stood up and ran over to paul

next thing I saw was ringos fist goin towards Paul's chubby face.

he fell to the floor;blood dripping from his nose.

"dont you ever speek to George like that" ringo hissed.

"and don't you ever call us queer cos you know damn right were jot queer.if you want to loose two friends then carry on going"

ringo came and sat next to me,pretty chuffed with what he did and smiled.

"sorry" paul said before running upstairs.probably to go see john as they share a room...they have I thing j can feel it.

"hey George lets go to our room,I.need to tell you something" ringo said seductively into my ear.I shoved before standing up.


we walked up stairs and down the long corridor up to our room in complete silence.our room was across the hall from paul and johns.

I could beat muffled talking.

I pulled out our room key and opend the door.walking I took my shoes off and sat down on the sofa,undoing my tie in the process.

"so Richie what is it you wanted to tell me then".

ringo nervously walked up to me and sat down.


a/n:here you are a starrisonish chapter.I bet you hate me know for the cliff hanger *evil laughs* any ways thankyou all so much for reading this and voteing it means I lot.I love you all so much and I hope you really enjoy the story so far.

also this story is set when a hard days night got released as you can sorta tell but Im making some stuff up like john metaing cynthia during 64 and what not.

like it,love it,hate it? let me know in the comments

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