chapter 5

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             Paul's pov

After finally recording the knew song,which may I say George sang really well.We were allowed to go home.

while recording I noticed ringo and George locking eyes every now and then,maybe there a thing? nah they ain't queer.

When I was just about to leave the studio,john came up behind me.

"boo" he shouted making me jump.I placed my hand over my heart,it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest!

"jesus john mate you gave me a heart attack! me heart almost jumped out me chest" john just stood there laughing.I gave him an evil death glare which only made him laugh harder.

"sorry macca" he said before ruffling my hair.I fixed my hair and started walking,john very close to my side.out fingers would often touch every now and then but we didn't say anything.

"so what do ye want" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"well" john started doing his funny hand gestures..god he was so damn gorgeous! I found out the other day that john was the only man I'm attracted to,which means I'm attracted to both genders.

"i was wondering of you'd like to come to lake with me,you know to like talk n stuff like we did when we were kids" john finished,smilling he's beautiful smile.

I smiled back remembering all the times we used to go to lakes up in liverpool when we were kids.

*flash back*

"wait...up...johnny" I said as I chased after the older lad."come on paul were almost at the lake" he shouted.he was way ahead of me so I started to run faster.the wind blowing my gelled hair everywhere,my legs pounding on the ground,my heart racing.When I reached john,who was already at the lake,I bent over.Hands on my knees.I was sweating like a pig and could barely breath.

" down" I sais inbetween breaths.

"oh live a bit macca" john said.I raised an eyebrow at what he just called me.

"macca?" I asked.john smiled. "yea I thought of it a few days ago,its ya nickname but only I call you it alright" I smiled back "ok"

"so paul any thing bothering you" john said sitting down infront of the lake.I copyed his actions and sat down next to him. "nope"

"any one bullying you"


"any one calling you a girl"

I looked at john confused."why would they call me a girl" I asked.john laughed "well for starters you have a really smooth baby face,you have chubby cheeks,perfectly shaped eyebrows and lips that look like they should be on a girl" I stared at him and started feeling my face "dont worry mate if you were a girl I bet you'd be a beautiful girl" I smiled at him before laying down.

*end of flashback*

I smiled.

"cause I'd love to,bring back some memories" I said to him.john smiled again,man that smile was gonna get me someday.

"let's go then paulie I wanna watch the sunset" john shouted grabbing my hand.tingles went through my body.

we got out of the studio and walked to the lake,still holding hands.I loved every moment when our body's would touch but I know its against the law to be queer.I sighed and pulled my hand out of John's grip.

"what's wrong macca?" john asked looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes. " 'ts nothing mate" I said trying to act normal.john didn't look convinced but he left it.

"alright mate" was all he said before looking straight a head.

we walked in silence and I was getting really bored.I started humming to twist n shout.

john looked at me before singing.

'well shake it up baby now' he sang beautifully.I sang the little bits imbetween the song.

'shake it up baby'

'twist n shout'

'twist n shout'

'come come come baby now'

'come on baby'

'come on and work all out'

I loved it when me and john sang.

"work it al..AH AH ATCHUE!" I sneezed halfway through singing the line.

I looked and john and john looked at me,we both bursted out into fits of laughter.

"oh paul your fa..*laughing* face"

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"oh lay off john you git" I said playfully shoving him. "now now no need to get angry paulie" I just rolled my eyes and we carried on walking.

a/n so whats on people's? New chapter. omg paul mccartneys instagram page for his album new regrammed my picture like holy shizz. any ways love it,like it,hate it? let me know in the comments...maybe throw a sneeky vote ;) love ya you lil beatlemaniacs

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