chapter 14

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                       Paul's POV.

Georges words kept repeting them selves over and over again,but john would never forgive me,everything he did for me I threw back in his face and now he's found some bird and is rubbing it in my face,I diserved it.I didn't diserve happiness.

Walking slowly to the elevator,I pressed the button.'maybe if I talk to john he will understand' 'you've got to be joking' 'dont listen to him he will understand' 'you two aren't helping' 'we never help' 'shut it'.

I mustve been stood there for a while because i heard a little cough of annoyance from behind me."im terribly sorry ma'am" I said turning round,to face a woman with blonde,obviously dyed hair...the same woman john met at the bar,the same woman john was talking about in the interview.My heart sunk,but I moved out of the way for her.

"thank you Mr McCartney" she said ever too sweetly."now do you know where Johns room is?" great shed going to see john when I needed to.

"yes because it is also my room." She looked at be with disbelief before sighing...what a bitch. "why,if I may ask?" I tried saying politely.

"well he wanted to see me that's all.but if your going up to his..I mean your room then I guess I could wait outside."I smiled at how polite she was being.but dropped it as I thought of why I was going up there.

"thanks love"

we stepped into the lift and waited until we got to our room.

"i won't be long " I said as I headed out the lift.she just nodded and walked over to the magazine table and sat down.

knocking three times on the door,I waited,hopping from one foot to the other.

come one john.

"hi...oh its you" john said opening the door but shutting it as soon as he saw me.I stuck my foot in between the door,my face crumpling up from the sharp pain.

"look john we need to talk.that Cynthia girl is waiting for you and I told her I'd be quick." john sighed but opened the door,letting me in.I limped all the way to the sofa before sitting down.

"what do you want McCartney."

"its about what I did this morning I didnt mean-" I was cut off my john snapping his fingers in front of me.

"no James I perfectly just wanted to use me.I opened up to you and you go and do that!" his words felt like daggers being stapped into my stomach.

"dont call me James" I said back standing up,forgetting the pain that was once in my foot.

"and what are you going to do! tell your mummy on me. oh mummy that nasty john is being horrible to me."

I clenched my fists and held my breath.I felt a few tears slip out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Johns face softened when he saw and the next thing I knew he was running over to me.He tried to hug me but I pushed him off.

"paul I-im sorry I just got so angry and i-"

"save it Lennon" I said walking towards the door.

"dont ever talk to me again" and with that I slammed the door shut,startling Cynthia.

"hes all yours now" I said not even looking at here.

Walking down the hall I stopped outside georges and ringos room.I banged in the door waiting for an reply...I banged again and again until I heard the door unlock,and a messy haired George opend the door.

"fuckin 'ell paul what are you doing" George said squinting from the light.

"i uh well..could i maybe stay here for the night" I said bitting my nails.

"dont you 'ave your own room"

"no I mean yes but me and john had a fight and he's got some blonde bird over and-and" I bursted out crying,just thinking of john made my heart hurt.

"oh Paul" George said pulling me in to his room.He sat me down on the sofa and went into the kitchen to make some tea.I heard a groan from Georges bedroom.

"geo come back to bed" it was ringo.I tried hard not to laugh.Turning round I saw George turning bright red.

"so you and ringo eh?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"shut up Paul" I laughed,cluctching my stomach.

ringo walked out,a bathrobe over him."aye George why arent..oh h-hi Paul" laughing even more I just waved at him.

"you won't tell anyone will you" they both said with concern.Whipping a tear from my eye,I sat up.

"no of course not" they both sighed with relief before sitting down,handing me my tea in the process.

"so why are you here?" ringo asked.George elbowed him courseing him to yelp. "i didn't mean it like that" I chuckled,took a sip fem my tea and sighed.

"john and I jade a fight and I can't be dealing with heating 'im and this blonde bird all night" I bit my lip,I sounded like a baby.

"oh sorry 'bout that paulie,you can stay 'ere as long as ye' like" ringo said standing up.

"night paul." George and ringo both said.

"yea night".

no matter how hard I tried,I could not sleep.john kept popping into my head.Sighing,I stood up grabbed a notepad and georges guitar and went outside on the balcony.I started strumming some chords and then wrote down some lyrics.


all my troubles seemed so faraway

no it looks as though there here to stay

oh I believe in yesterday


I'm not half the man I used to be

there's a shadow hanging over me

oh yesterday came suddenly

why he had to go I don't know he wouldnt say

I said something wrong now I long for yesterday.

I looked back at what I had so far.scribbling out he,I replaced it with she,noone can know this song was for john.

a/n:wow john you hoe.I thought that yesterday was relivant for this chapter.

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