chapter 23 (Epilogue)

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Nick pov
It's been over a week since the battle, where we defeated the rogue leader and killed him,  and also saved the werewolf who were enslaved by his magic,  you must be thinking that am so happy that he's defeated,  but no am not how can I be happy that he's been defeated when my mate is lying in coma,  it's been a week now and the doctor says her body shut down to heal itself that they don't know when she will be  awake.  A week of pain and hopelessness, I can't  remember the last time I showered or ate, I sit by her bed everyday and  talk to her urging her to wake up, telling her it's my fault I couldn't protect her.My best friend  has tried  all he can to make me leave the room but I Won't Leave because I  don't want her to wakeup and not See Me beside her. Today is one of those day when my bestie Nedd decided to  be on my neck by telling that she  wouldn't want me to starve myself so I had to drag myself to the Bathroom in her hospital room and shower this must be the quickest shower I've ever had. I was in the shower when I felt my wolf stir and become restless, since my mate went into a coma the mate bond has been quiet and my wolf silent,so the feel of my  wolf being restless had me running out of the shower. I quickly threw on the clean pair of  cloth my beta and best friend brought for me I hurried into the room just in time to see her opening her eyes,  I quickly rushed to her side,  she tried talking but her voice was raw so I gave her water and mind linked the pack doctor to come and check her out.

Carmen pov

I saw myself in a meadow,  running around in my wolf form, I was so happy and free but I felt like a part of me was missing. I don't know how long I've been in the meadow  until I  saw this beautiful lady coming towards me I felt I know her but I can't remember where I knew her from, I ran towards her in my wolf form,  when I got there she petted my wolf and sat down in the meadow with me this are the words she said to me
"Carmen you are a  wolf  I created with an immense power and send into the world to keep the balance between the  supernatural world's, the evil you were meant to fight as been defeated by your mate,  but need to go back to him because there will arise a greater evil,  that which threatens the very existence of the world you live in,  you can't stay here your mate needs you,  your race needs you,  without you there are venerable to the evil that is awakening.  You must return.
  After making that statement  she kissed my forehead and  sent me back through what I think is a portal between there, I woke up in a white room, to see my mate stand by door, when he saw me awake he rushed to me and gave me water.
Today is the day I get discharged from the hospital, after my waking up  the doctors checked on me and carried out several tests to ensure  that I am okay. After a month of being in the hospital wing at the palace I can now go home and get a fresh scenario, the packs have been very supportive  by visiting me the room I stay in is filled with gift and get well soon cards I can feel the love from them,  other supernatural race have also been here to visit, the witches have also helped in my recovery with their healing portions. I was also told of how the other races came together and  helped my mate and the werewolves defeat the rogue leader,  when I got to know why he tortured me I felt bad for him. Am just glad to be home.
************************6 years later
It's been 6 years since I woke up from the coma and the war ended things have been going peaceful so far I gave birth to my first son 4 years ago and my daughter 2 years. 
Am am presently nine month gone with my twins I cant wait to give birth to them. Am waddling in the kitchen now looking for chocolate ice cream and cake to eat, this pregnancy is the most difficult pregnancy I've ever experienced, I took the ice cream and return to the sitting room as I  opened it and was about eating it I felt my water broke,  so I screamed to Nick who was in his office and told him I was going into labour,  I was quickly  rushed to the  hospital  after three tedious hours of labour I gave birth to my son and daughter. But something strange happened during their birth,  the sky turned darker and the wind picked up it pace and changed direction there was thunder storms and lightening  but there was not rain. Few minutes after their birth everything returned to normal.  It made me remember the words of the moon goddess. I just hope my children are not the evil that I am to fight.

To be continued in book 2
We have come to the end of the werewolves slave who became a queen.  If I am motivated by my  readers I will write the book 2 but if not I will let the book end here in suspense.

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