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                         NICK POV

   We got to the airport and boarded,the plane taking off exactly 20 minutes later after boarding, as we took off from the airport, I picked my mate off her seat and sat her down on my laps, singing softly to her, the song my mom usually sang for me when I was sad,it was a blissful and peaceful song, she told me her dad sang it for her, and she taught me the song.

              "Here lies the hero
                 The Lillie's of our time,
                A great warrior, a mighty  one with a beautiful heart,
                A diadems among others,
                A precious stones, the hope of the future lalalalala
                The pillar of today (music interlude)
               Love is all we need, is all I need
              I pledge allegiance to you
              As you will be my true and only one"

I know what you are thinking, that it's not a romantic song, well you've got  to deal with that, it doesn't need to be romantic to pass the message of how I feel to my mate and how I see her.

Not knowing much time had passed, until I heard the voice of the pilot, announcing our landing in 5 minutes, I took my mate off my laps and placed her on her seat and woke her up and in turn buckling myself.

      After landing we descended out of the plane and headed to the car, where the guards were waiting for us,driving off from the airport, about 1  hour later, we arrived at my palace, I was surprised to see my parents waiting by the steps to welcome me back, when my mom saw me, she rushed to greet me, but I wasn't surprised when she pushed me aside when she saw my mate

     Not even her jumping and squealing like a little girl surprise me, after all she was one of the people who advocated you should wait until you find your mate.

        After all the introduction, we all got inside and headed to the living room, while my mom left to check on the maids to be sure that the food was well prepared and ready to be served.

  While we were still chattering, my mom came back and led us into the dinning, after a brief prayer that was offered by my dad we started eating.

       So dear what's your name, my dad asked my mate: Carmen sir

How old are you my mom chirped in happily, with my little sister Katherine ,nodding eagerly am 17 years mama, she responded.

      Enough with that sir and mam, you make us sound old, please could you call us by our name, Am Beatrice and my mate is Dennis.

      We gonna have so much fun, will go shopping and everything, while she was babbling my mate was scared, and the others  busted out laughing their ass off, I growled at my mom angrily and my dad growled back, mom you are getting her scared please  stop.

      That got my energetic mom to stop babbling

      Oh dear am sorry,

Groaning I leaned over to my mate and asked her if she was tired, and if she wants to go to bed.

          I excused them and left the dinning room, carrying my mate in a bridal style up to my room.

      When I entered my room I dropped her on her feet, pulled off the polo shirt I was wearing and handed it over to her with my boxer shorts led her over to the bathroom to change while I returned to the room and changed quickly while waiting for her to come in.

    When she came out, she looked hot wearing my polo with my boxer briefs hanging loosely around her hips, I led her to the bed, moved the duvet covers and asked her to get in. Getting in after her I pulled the cover over us , drawing my mate into my arms, I inhaled her lovely scent, and let her scent and heart beat lure me to the much needed blissful sleep.


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