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Carmen pov
The sun has finally set, though am in dungeon I know when the sun set because of the activities of the people guarding the dungeon  is non existent  the just  sit by the outer gate leading to dungeon  drinking and shouting  and when they are too drunk the pass out, and that's what they are doing now.  I am going to wait for the rogue guards to pass out to pass out before I  make my escape which would be happening  soon . After some time
I crept to the gate of my dungeon and looked through the gate using my heightened sights I discovered that the had passed out. It's time for an escape using my   fire element  I lit a small glow and used it to blast the locks on the gate, after stepping
Out of the dungeon I tiptoed through the corridors, I moved passed the rogue guards which had passed out on the corridor with their bottle of wine and  alcohol  on the table.

After about 5 minutes  passing through  corridors I arrived at the tunnels  which Led to woods, I discovered this passage  when the guards were talking  in their  drunken stupor  awhile back and I knew that was the best way to  escape  without  triggering an alarm and I used it.
The tunnel was dark with mosses growing in it, it was damp and wet, I stepped into the tunnel  and used my heightened  wolf sight to see, when I was sure I was half way through the tunnel  where I won't be caught I used my fire elemental power and  lighted the way,  running  through  the tunnel quickly  I made it outside  to avoid  being discovered, the guards may have passed out but the rogue leader who I have come to know as callus is always agile,like I had said earlier  if he was not a rogue and I have not been mated I would have loved to be his mate, but I am more grateful because I was paired with Nick. Realising I was lost in thought l quickly  shook away the negative  thoughts and ran into woods, immediately  I ran Into the woods but not before sinking down the tunnel to buy myself some time to run and escape, I used my powers to ensure that nobody heard me destroying the tunnel. I had been running for a while when I heard a shout from Callus, find her, she can't  escape, I want her back hearing this I gave it my all I refused to  shift so as to not attract attention to myself when I am in human form I can pull of the cloak of invisibility  by reciting a spell,i don't know how long I can hold  the spell while running  because  I was weak but that didn't  stop me from running  I didn't know  where I was headed but I  also didn't  want to be captured again  so running it is, after running  for about 10 minutes I heard paws coming towards me  from ahead and behind me I'm so I quickly  chanted the spell and became invisible knowing  no one could see me I decided to  move towards the group of wolves coming  ahead of me. I could  passed through them and hope to make it to any form of civilization  at all,  when I got closer to the  wolves heading towards me I discovered that they were not rogues but rather regular  wolves and they  were led by no other person than my Nick knowing I was  protected and safe I quickly  dropped  the invisibility cloak so that he and the rest of the packs could see me.
When Nick saw I was the one he quickly  came to a halt, and changed from his wolf  form to human he ran to embrace me, while he was hugging me  he said some things  but I couldn't make most of it out the only thing I  could hear before  passing out  was God I love u.......   Then o blacked out.

Callus pov ( the rogue leader)
I had just finished torturing  a regular  wolf  who wandered into my  territory,  u see being a wolf  witch plus vampire I can do things  and one of it is concealing my base of operations  from prying  eyes people see it as  a forest but it's gives out vibes which  informs people to stay away but nope they are always curious  and when the trespass I capture them and torture them when I break them and then force them to be among my rogues,  that's how have grown the rogue population to the level it is now, aside from the hunters whom I pay to do my dirty work . I had  just entered my chamber I felt something off so I decided to look through the basin I used to see things or get my vision. Having added  water to it I added the water to the basin and began reciting the words required to pull a vision, so I can get a vision it's better to be safe than sorry,  so I looked into it  what I saw became my night mare and doom,  I saw the paws of  wolves headed to where I  stay wondering  how the found my hide out I knew it was definitely the wolf king knowing I  had his mate gave me confidence so I decided to  go to the dungeon, so that if things go against me I have a leverage against them,  because  killing ones  mate can turn one into a monster  and that is what has made me the monster I am today I lost my self when I lost my mate and moon so I became  feral I decided  that if I was unhappy  then every one across my way becomes unhappy.
  One getting to the gates leading to the dungeon I  saw my guards passed out and the gate unlocked. With anger I kicked I the table causing the bottles to fall down and  break, the idiot guards jumped up wide wake, turning towards the closest guys towards me  I ordered him to get me my prisoners and the rest to summon the rogues for war. When the idiot got to the dungeon  he discovered it was empty and shouted she is gone without  thinking  I punched the idiot closet to me I ordered the rest to find her she can't escape  no no I can't  loose I must be a king.
Storming towards the upper floor I met all my rogues outside  and ordered them telling them it's time to fight for their  freedom  that rogues must also live like regular wolves the biases ended tonight quickly shifting  we ran    towards the  forest to get her back and fight back I ordered them using my magic to kill anything on sight that's not a rogue wolf,  the war has started,  the drums of war have been rolled out its time
Pls read. Comment  vote add to reading  list recommend to others to read as well I kept my promise to  update every Sunday, I have at most 3 chapters  to write on I may even update the remain three this week so as to bring the book to an end.
Please lovely readers what do you suggest
Love chosen.

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