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Otor's Note
Sana sipagin ako.

Yiz sinipag ako internet lang ang wala. Hahaha.

Enjoy reading!

Ps. Kung online reader ka, pavote naman hahaha. Salamat. Mwah! 😚

Auster's POV

I'm so done with all her shits. Isabel has been a problem eversince I started my plan. I've spent hundreds of years perfecting this plan. I have sacrificed so much. I am running out of time, I can't fail this time and this plan needs to work, it has to. My first plan 100 years ago did not work the way I expected it so I created another plan.

Plan B. I found his star again. I don't know about this guy but as I've search all the stars in Hiraya, his is the only star that repeats it's cycle. The stars aren't exactly identical yet all of them resemble's Ravi's and as I dig into it, I also found out that all these humans looks exactly like him. At first I thought it was reincarnation but I was wrong. Human can't be reincarnated.

But it is so stupid of him to die that early. All I ever needed was for Luna to be with him for the next 100 days but he died because of that uncurable disease. Partly, it was also my fault for not looking after him and not looking deeply into his star. I was so excited that I did not bother looking at his life span. Since his death, I've spent years preparing for my next target's birth. I've researsched everything. From the day he was born up to the day he will meet Luna. And yes, he is Raven Zyre Jaime and it was now my plan C-for them to be together for 100 Days. It has to be that long for their stars to align according to how I have planned it. In my research, their stars were never meant to cross path -not even once- so I had to re-allign it which took ages to happened. It was not as easy as I've imagined but I am trying my best to make it work but that fucking Isabel keeps on coming on my way. She's up to something, I can totally feel it. She won't cast such a strong spell on their house for nothing.

I remember being the happiest when my plan c worked out -or so I thought. All of a sudden, even when they both go to the same school, even when she became her slave, both of their stars started drifting away from each other. I badly wanted to punch Raven when he agreed to Phoebe not being her slave anymore. Seriously? I've sacrificed a lot and they will just... shit. That's why today, I will re-do my plan C. I can't fail this time.

They have all entered that way too colorful park. Phoebe is with Isabel and Cathy and Raven is with Vincent, Nicole, Bryann and the rest of their gang. All I have to do is to keep them away from the rest and them I will start my plan.

I sat on top of the drop tower while watching all of these people go back and forth. It was indeed a sea of people and yet there's only one that matters to me, it's Raven. I took a deep breath and watched as those people ran towards the parade leaving Raven and Phoebe wamderong around looking for their friends.

"Cathy!" Isabel shouted "Hoy Cathy!" She shouted again. She won't be able to hear you, unfortunately. "Hoy bata ka! Hindi mo ba ako naririnig?!" This time, she shouted louder than earlier as she ran towards the kid. She grabbed her hand but she failed. Her own hand passes through hers like the wind passing though a hollow space. Her jaw dropped to the ground, I smirked. She looked at the people around her and tried to touch them but she failed as well. She followed where Cathy was going and her jaw dropped even more when she saw her running towards the bench under the tree. She saw herself sitting there and Cathy is trying to wake her up.

"No. No... this can't be! No!" She shouted so loud that if only those humans could hear her, they will hurt their ears. She tried touching her body from head to toe "Is it really like this? I can still touch myself..." she murmured. She ran towards her body and I saw her almost tearing up as she stares at it. It was full if nothing but fear. There is really one thing everyone value the most, their own life. She slowly leaned towards it and tried to touch it.

100 Days with Him 《DaraGon Fanfic》Where stories live. Discover now