Season Seven |Not a Chapter|

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Mmmk, this ain't a chapter. These are my thoughts and theories based around season seven. So, if you have yet to watch it and DON'T want to be spoiled, I suggest you leave now.

If you have, I encourage you to leave your own opinions and theories! Hell just talk about ships if you want too - just no ship hate.

Okay, now with my theories and thoughts.

1. I wanted to quiznaking slap Shiro for choosing Kerberos over Adam. He had a nice guy, and probably had enough money. But without his decision, we probably wouldn't have the show itself. That or the show would have been very different.

2. Ezor and Zepher are a couple. For one, they've been around each other for so long. And second, Zepher says to Ezor, "That's my girl," which basically got me thinking about the two being a couple. I'm hoping we see more of them in season 8.

3. I was hoping Lotor would return. I personally don't believe Lotor is dead, though he's probably corrupt. In fact, that last robot, I was expecting it to be either Lotor or a robot created by those dark creatures in the rift that initially corrupted Haggar and Zarkon.

4. I didn't really care for "The Feud." I found Bob to be extremely annoying. I was debating just skipping the episode, but decided against it because it might have been helpful for a future episode.

5. I THOUGHT THE PALADINS FUCKING DIED. Literally! At the end of episode 13, I was nearly freaking out. But then I realized that DreamWorks more than likely wouldn't kill them off, but that didn't stop the fear.

6. Krolia and Kolivan are a thing? Or at least close to becoming one. With the way they look at one another, it looks like they may be interested. But this can be countered that they worked with one another for a long time, and probably trust each other greatly.

7. What the quiznak happened to Haggar? Even in the show, it was said she just disappeared. So where is she now? Her druids are still around, or at least some of them. So does she still have contact with them? And will we get to see her next season?

8. HUNAY!!!💛💛 Hunk was tearing up at the sight of Shay, and I think it's really sweet that she visited him. I was wondering when we'd see Shay again, and though I wish she had gotten more screen time, I'm just glad we got to see her.

9. Heith!!! As much as I love Hunay, I also love Heith. Both as a romantic ship and a platonic ship. And this season had an amazing Heith moment where Hunk vents to Keith about wanting his family back. Expect some more Heith stories in the future.

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