Baking | HEITH |

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Hunk groaned from his bed when he heard a knock on the door; the sound disturbing his already uneasy sleep. He ignored it at first, and sighed when he heard another knock. It sounded a bit frantic. Hunk slowly got out of his bed, leaving the warmth of his covers to greet the sleep killer.

Hunk opened the door and glanced down. He jumped slightly when he saw his boyfriend; hair messy, eyes wide with fear. Keith looked up at Hunk with his deep violet eyes. He was shivering slightly, hands gripping his upper arms.

"Keith? Why are you up so late?" Hunk questioned, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. His vision refocused to see Keith sway on the balls of his feet.

"Could we maybe... do some baking?" Keith asked, voice small. He was still freaking out in his head, and he needed something aside from training to take his mind off things. Sometimes he had these moments where he'd start thinking of Earth. His shack, the Garrison. His dad.

"Like... right now?" Hunk tilted his head with another yawn. He watched as Keith nodded slowly, biting his lip. Hunk sighed quietly. "Alright."

Keith lifted his head. "Really?" Keith sounded like he wasn't believing his ears.

"Yeah. I was having a hard time sleeping anyway. C'mon." Hunk took Keith's hand in his as they began walking. Keith leaned into Hunk, his body relaxing slightly as they neared the kitchen. Hunk gave Keith's hand a gentle, comforting squeeze.

"Alright, anything you wanna bake in particular?" Hunk let go of Keith's hand to grab a cook book he had made, having been able to convert recipes on Earth to be made with the Altean food.

"Not really. Maybe cupcakes?" Keith suggested, and Hunk flipped to the "C" section of the book. Keith watched as Hunk trailed his finger down the list of ingredients.

"Alright, let's grab the ingredients and start baking." Hunk set the book down, moving to the cupboards. Keith looked at the ingredients and went to retrieve a few.

They made the batter fairly quickly, and Hunk grabbed the cupcake tray he had made from the top shelf - far out of Keith's reach. They put the batter into the tray then the oven to bake. Keith leaned against the counter beside Hunk, leaning on him. Hunk in turn wrapped a strong arm around Keith.

"Thanks for doing this," Keith said, his head resting on Hunk's side. Hunk chuckled, and Keith could feel the vibrations course through the yellow paladin's body. Hunk lifted Keith's chin up and leaned down. Keith stood on his toes so Hunk didn't have to lean too far, and their lips connected.

The kiss was long but gentle. When they pulled apart, Hunk smiled down at his tiny boyfriend. "It was nothing, trust me." Hunk said, before lifting Keith up to kiss him again.

Me: I know.... I know..... Short and crappy.... I'm just running out of ideas. Requests would be lovely right about now!

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