The Dance |KLANCE|

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Keith couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mind wouldn't allow Allura's words to sink in. Apparently, neither could Lance.

"Why do I have to go to a dance? Especially with him?!" Lance demanded, his voice loud. Keith was watching quietly, still unsure if he had heard the Altean princess correctly.

"Because, you two need to bond. I've noticed that it's been harder and harder to form Voltron. And the source seems to be because of the two of you." Shiro stated, his arms crossed. "This is how we decided to make you two bond." He added, voice stern and clearly not in the mood for arguing.

Silence. That's what filled the room after. Lance seemed to be searching for words, but Keith beat him to it.

"Fine. When's the dance?" He asked, his voice monotone. Lance gave Keith a bewildered look.

"You seriously aren't agreeing to this, are you?" Lance asked desperately. Keith glanced at Lance, face blank.

"If it's what Allura and Shiro think is needed, then we shouldn't argue with them about it. I don't see them changing their minds anytime soon, either." Keith said, and Allura smiled brightly, glad Keith wasn't going to fight her or Shiro on this.

Lance groaned. "Fine..." He grumbled, crossing his arms with a huff. Shiro and Allura smirked at each other slightly, their plan falling into place.

"The dance is in a week," Shiro said, his arms uncrossing. "We have Sarah making the two of you presentable outfits for it. So I'd meet with her soon." Shiro added.

Silence filled again, and Shiro glanced at the door. Lance and Keith took this as their chance to escape, and quickly left.

"We should just see Sarah now and get it over with," Keith said, his walking speed increasing slightly. Lance was following at the same pace.

"Yeah," he agreed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

The rest of the walk to Sarah's room was silent. And very, very awkward. Both boys were in their own thoughts, but also very aware of the other.

Keith brought a hand up to Sarah's door and knocked once. The two boys waited a few moments, hearing shuffling, before the door slid open.

"Keith! Lance! I wasn't expecting you two to come right after learning your guys.... er.... mission?" Sarah seemed to not know how to word their situation. Lance just put on a goofy smile.

"Decided to get it over with," Lance said to the tall girl.

She had pale skin, and light brown hair. She had green eyes, with a slight tint of blue. She had been a prisoner of the Gulra, and was rescued by Shiro and Pidge with some others. While the other prisoners left in a pod, she was invited to stay.

Sarah nodded. "Come on in and make yourselves comfortable," was all she said before disappearing into the room. Lance followed in right after, Keith last.

The door slid closed, and the two boys sat on Sarah's bed. They took in her room, covered in different designs and fabrics. Even some metal.

"So, you two would need something like your suits, but also comfortable enough to dance and over all just relax in, right?" Sarah asked, looking at stuff on her desk.

"Yeah, I guess so." Keith said, not really caring. Lance shrugged, leaning against a wall near the bed.

"Alright, either of you have anything specific you'd like?" Sarah asked, turning to the two with a notepad and pen. Keith tilted his head, slightly confused.

"Huh?" He said. Keith never understood the big deal with clothes. He was never really picky when it came to clothes(despite always wearing the same exact thing every single episode).

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