Comfort | Shklance |

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| Third Person |

Keith yawned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly woke up. He had heard a knock. At least, he thinks he did. It could have been his imagination. Keith waited a few moments, listening as he woke up a bit more.

Another knock, and Keith sighed. He wasn't too pleased that it was real, but stood up anyway to greet the sleep killer. Keith opened his door, and was slightly surprised to see Lance, and Shiro behind him.

Lance had a blanket over his shoulders, and he pulled them closer around himself. He swayed slightly in his blue lion slippers, yawning quietly as he stared back at Keith.

Shiro looked a bit awkward, his cheeks tinted a pale red. Aside from his flushed face, he seemed rather pale. And Keith swore Shiro was trembling a small bit.

"Can I help you two?" Keith asked, his voice sounding like it would in the morning. He just wanted to go back to sleep, curl up in his warm blankets and get through the night.

"We were wondering if..." Lance trailed off, yawning. Shiro finished for him.

"We could sleep with you tonight." He scratched the back of his neck, laughing nervously.

Keith sighed quietly. He thought for a moment. ' ' I could get sleep, and cuddle with my boyfriends.... ' ' he told himself. "Fine," he said, moving out of the doorway to let the two in.

Lance smiled weakly while Shiro seemed to smile in relief. Keith closed the door behind them and went back to his bed. Shiro and Lance followed, climbing into the bed as well.

Shiro wrapped an arm around both Keith and Lance. Keith was in between them both, back to Shiro's stomach. Lance was curled into Keith's chest, head buried in Keith's neck.

Shiro pulled Lance and Keith's blankets over them. Keith could feel Shiro's trembling stop, muscles relaxing. Keith sighed happily, arms wrapping around Lance and leaning more into Shiro.

Keith was the last to fall asleep, feeling both of the other males' chests rise and fall slowly and evenly. He drifted into his mind, entering a dreamless sleep.

Yes, it was short. But oh well. I'm tired. Might write more Shklance in the future.

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