Cuddle Screeches |KLANCE|

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A/N: You can thank Mcgammer11 for giving me motivation to actually write. Go say hi to them for me, they're really awesome!

AU: Harry Potter, Slytherin Keith and Hufflepuff Lance

☆ 3rd Person ☆

Keith sat in the courtyard, scarf wrapped around his neck as he read a book quietly at the black lake. Most people were with their families for winter break, but Keith always stayed at Hogwarts.

Keith's peaceful silence was interrupted by some rustling bushes, along with the sound of snapping branches. He eyed the direction the sounds were coming from, pulling his wand from his robes.

He let his arm drop to the side when a Hufflepuff student stumbled into view.

"Lance, you fucking scared me." Keith muttered as the tan Hufflepuff bounded through the snow towards his Slytherin friend with a grin.

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya. You weren't in the library so I checked here." Lance said, plopping down on a nearby trunk. Keith sat down beside him, his book on his lap.

"Yet you didn't think to use the path?" Keith gestured to the path which led to the lake. Lance's cheeks lit up red in realization, and he facepalmed.

"I'm half-asleep okay?!" He defended himself, and Keith chuckled.

"Anyway.... whatcha been reading?" Lance asked, looking at Keith's book but unable to see the title.

"A muggle book. It's called Red Queen. It's pretty good." Lance visibly made a weird face when Keith said the title.

"A "Red Queen"? What the fuck is that?" Lance asked, and Keith went on to explain the book to his friend.

Lance had eventually fallen asleep on Keith, snoring quietly. He was bundled in his robes, and snuggling into Keith for more warmth.

"Lance, wake up." Keith said, shaking the brown haired boy slightly. He frowned when Lance didn't awaken.

"Lance, wake up." Keith repeated, a little louder this time. Again, no response.

Wanting to go inside, get feeling back to his legs, and with no other option, Keith shoved Lance off his lap.

Lance landed in the snow and he jumped awake, eyes wide from shock. Keith just laughed as he stood up, his knees popping when he stood.

"What the fuck man?!" Lance screeched at the Slytherin, dusting off snow. Keith just continued laughing quietly, smirking at Lance.

"Well it was either that or I left you to freeze to death." Keith stated, beginning to walk towards the path. Lance jogged to catch up, the shorter, black haired male being surprisingly quick.

"Fine. But I'll get you back, Mullet."

"Sure you will."

The two were in the Slytherin common room, lounging on the sofas near the fire. Any Slytherins that stayed at Hogwarts didn't question why Lance was there. He was there often, actually, hanging out with Keith most of the time. Or rather, annoying him.

"When do you think you'll find your true love?" Lance asked. Keith didn't know how their conversation had turned to love interests.

Keith shrugged. "Dunno. Why?"

Lance just shrugged and continued to play with Keith's hair. Keith would have usually stopped Lance, but he honestly had given up.

"How is your hair so SOFT?!" Lance exclaimed, running his fingers through the shorter boy's hair in awe.

"I just use shampoo and conditioner?" Keith said, confused. He didn't use anything special. He just took care of his hair.

"But that doesn't explain why it's so soft! And silky!" The Hufflepuff couldn't deny it. He loved Keith's hair. It was beautiful and, he just found out how soft and silky it was.

"I don't know how I do it. I guess it's just natural for me." Lance could have sworn Keith mumbled something along the lines of "unlike your mess you call hair."

Lance huffed and stopped playing with Keith's hair, and settled down beside Keith. He yawned and stretched like a cat, purposely hitting Keith in the face before drifting to sleep.

Lance woke up to the sound of squeling - no, scratch that. It was full on screeching. He groaned, rubbing his eyes. The sound was very close, and it hurt his ears.

When his vision focused, he saw a few first through fourth year girls screeching something like "IT'S HAPPENED! IT FINALLY HAPPENED!"

Lance just buried himself further into the pillow, determined to block out the noise of the girls.

That's when it finally dawned on him. He was NOT snuggling into a pillow. Two reasons why:
One: Pillows do NOT have arms that hold you tightly.
Two: Pillows also don't have an amazingly defined chest.

Lance's face heated up, cheeks a vibrant red as he realized he was in Keith's arms on the sofa, in the Slytherin common room.

He just lied there, not really able to move without waking up the Keith, which he knew hated getting up.

But he didn't have to wait long. He watched as Keith's eyes fluttered open, and Keith looked down at Lance in confusion.

When he saw what situation they were in, Keith's cheeks turned a firey red, enough to put the Weasley hair to shame.

Keith stuttered as he tried to say words. "Uh, uhm.... I uh.... you.... uh...."

Lance remembered the fangirls, and mentally smirked. They wanted a ship, well they'd get one.

Lance put his finger on Keith's lips. "Shh...." He shushed Keith, and leaned in close, just so their lips were barely touching.

"L-Lance.... what the hell are you doing?" Keith mumbled, eyes wide and cheeks burning fiercely. Lance just smirked.

"We have an audience. I don't plan to disappoint." Lance whispered before starting to add light kisses to Keith's jaw. Lance felt Keith's arms tighten around him. Lance was also sure one of the girls had a fangirl attack.

Keith forced Lance to stop kissing his jaw, and brought Lance's face up to his. He gently connected their lips, both boys blushing madly.

The girls took photos and videos, all the while squealing uncontrollably as they watched the two. They were definitely giving Pidge some of this footage.

When Keith and Lance pulled apart, both were a dark red. Lance leaned his forehead on Keith's, smiling.

"So, does this make us a couple?" He asked quietly. Keith laughed softly and shrugged.

"If you want it to be."

Lance smiled more and hugged Keith, and he could hear the fangirls run off in the background. "Fangirls," Lance mumbled into Keith's hair, causing the Slytherin to laugh.

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