What Were You Thinking?! |KLANCE|

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Takes place after Lotor breaks the barrier. Lotor already showed he wanted to be allies, and everyone allowed him for now. Lance learns about something Keith did before Lotor arrived.


| Lance's Point of View |

I sat with my head on my knees, processing the information Coran had told me.

I took in a shaky breath, before hauling myself to my feet. I dried the tears that slipped down my face, and forced the unshed ones to remain hidden. I left my room, and went to go look for a certain mullet boy.

I finally found him outside, on a small ledge on Alkaria. I forced myself to not cry again, knowing that once I do, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Hey Mullet!" I yelled, walking closer. Keith glanced in my direction, his eyes widening slightly.

I towered over him, crossing my arms.

"H-Hey Lance," he said meekly, shrinking back slightly.

"Don't 'Hey Lance' me! What were you thinking?!" I shouted, and Keith flinched. He looked down, and I felt regret for shouting at him. But what he did... I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

"So you found out..." Keith said,his eyes trained on the ground. I sighed.

"Why...?" My voice sounded small, and sadness creeped into it. "Why?" I repeated.

Keith remained quiet, and I grew impatient.

"Keith, tell me right now. Why did you almost sacrifice yourself." I said, grabbing Keith's shoulder. He shrugged me off, a glare setting on his face.

"What does it matter? It didn't happen."

"But it almost did!" I exclaimed, now holding both his shoulders. He still refused to look at me. "And don't tell me it doesn't matter because it does."

Keith sighed quietly, and I noticed streaks on his cheeks. "I'm sorry..."

I lifted his head up gently, and I could feel the tears building up. "Don't you dare do that ever again..." I said softly, leaning my forehead on his.

I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, and pulled him to me. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, arms wrapped tightly around my torso. His tears dripped onto my skin, but I didn't care. I buried my crying face in his hair, and just held him.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Keith kept mumbling, and I held him tighter.

"I forgive you..." I pulled away from our embrace and smiled through my tears. I saw him smile back slightly, and I did something without thinking.

I placed my lips on his.

He didn't pull away. He just pulled himself closer to my body. I pulled away and hugged him again, praying that he wouldn't sacrifice himself ever again.

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