Everything's Alright | KEITOR |

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Lotor watched Keith from a couch on his ship. He was frowning, watching the shorter man pace around in anger and distress. Lotor knew he couldn't do much; in fact, he thought he even contributed to Keith's distress. And that fact made him frown even more.

Keith finally stopped his pacing, groaning and plopping down as far away from Lotor on the sofa as he could. Keith kept his eyes on the ceiling of the room, although he could feel Lotor's eyes scorching his skin. Oh how he ached to be comforted by the new emperor but also ached to throw himself into the nearest black hole to get away from him.

Keith heard Lotor sigh, and the couch shifted slightly as Lotor moved to sit beside Keith. But Lotor didn't touch him, knowing that if he did, Keith would more than likely cut his hand off. Lotor leaned back against the cushions, and Keith hated the silence that had covered them like a blanket. But he didn't have to wait long for the blanket to be ripped off.

"Keith... I'm sorry. I truly am. I didn't think it would affect you this much." Lotor said. His voice was unwavering, and to any normal person or alien, it sounded as if Lotor didn't actually feel sorry. But Keith? Keith could tell Lotor was trying his hardest to sound sincere.

Keith barked a sarcastic laugh, making Lotor jump. "Sorry? You're sorry? For what? Having lied to the others about that Shiro was actually Haggar's puppet? Not telling anyone until after you killed him?" Keith looked at Lotor, sending him his strongest glare. "He was like a brother to me, Lotor! And I had honestly thought we had found him again!" Keith yelled.

Lotor took the scolding. Keith wasn't wrong; Lotor did feel sorry for lying to them, and telling them everything after he had killed the clone. He had no excuse for it.

Keith was now yelling through tears. "But of course, it wasn't actually him! Since when would we find the real Shiro, right? Probably never! He's probably long gone, right?" Keith gasped for breath, finally quieting. He hung his head, tears slipping down his cheeks and landing on Keith's pants. "He's not coming back..." Keith whispered, fists clenched.

Lotor swallowed. He was never good when it came to the loss of someone so dear. The last time he had lost someone, it was by his own hands, and he was a wreck for weeks after her demise. "You shouldn't give up hope, Keith..." Lotor whispered, cautiously reaching for Keith's hands. He hesitated, before wrapping his own fingers around Keith's clenched ones.

"All the facts show he's gone... how am I supposed to have hope, when there's not a damn hint that he may still be out there?" Keith questioned, still not looking up. Lotor unfurled Keith's hands smoothly, and rubbed his thumbs over Keith's knuckles soothingly.

"You just have to have hope... even if it may seem futile." Lotor said gently. It was silent, say for Keith's small sobs. And they stayed like that, barely touching, only holding hands.

Eventually, Keith leaned into Lotor, wrapping his arms around the emperor. Lotor held onto Keith just as tightly, running his fingers through his hair. Keith continued to cry, though sobs had turned into just a steady stream of tears. Lotor hummed softly, and Keith curled into Lotor. Keith could feel a welcoming warmth when he did, and he focused on Lotor's chest rising and falling, focused on his heartbeat, and his quiet humming.

They stayed like that for the rest of the night until Keith fell asleep in Lotor's arms.

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