Chapter 27: Moving Into Dorms Pt.2, The Consequence That Follows The Battle

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"Hey, there's one more thing." You said as they looked up at you with confusion. "Jiro, mind coming here for a second?" You asked her as she walked up to you in confusion.

"What is it?" She asked.

"This." You said as you leaned in and planted your lips onto hers as everyone gasped, and Momo and 21 grew dark auras as Tsu was speechless and fainted.

"I WON'T LOSE!!!" 21 and Momo yelled as they jumped at Jiro and the whole scene made everyone start to laugh.

After that little laughing fit, you led everyone inside to show them around their new home.

"Each of the student dorm building holds one class. Girls go to the right, us boys are on the left. This floor here though, the first floor, this is the communal area where we can all hang out. Food, baths, laundry are on this floor also." You said to them as they all walked around in awe while examining this place.

"There's even a courtyard!" Sero said while looking outside the glass.

"So spacious! So clean! And a sofa!" Mina exclaimed before gasping as she saw 21 sprawled out on the sofa, sound asleep.

"Yeah, besides her room, and sneaking into my room sometimes, that's her napping spot." You said calmly as Jiro and Momo popped up in anger.

"That bitch!" You grabbed both their collars as they tried to get her like rabid dogs, and 21 was smiling in her sleep.

"Hehe~ Onii-chan~ Not there~ You're so greedy~" She mumbled in her sleep as it got harder for you to hold back Momo and Jiro.

"It's like a mansion!" Uraraka said in complete shock of the place as she tipped over and fainted.

"Uraraka!" Iida yelled as he watched her fall.

"Did my ears deceive me? Baths and laundry are in the common area?" Mineta said as he gulped with excitement. "Is this a dream?" He asked before hearing a strange noise behind him and turning around to see Ryu in his ascended state towering over him as Mineta grew a look of fear.

 "Is this a dream?" He asked before hearing a strange noise behind him and turning around to see Ryu in his ascended state towering over him as Mineta grew a look of fear

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"They're separated by gender. You better watch yourself, or else something's going to get pounded tonight." He threatened.

"Yes, sir." He said as he was ghostly white with fear and Ryu turned back to normal as he walked away.

"Anyways, rooms start on the second floor. There's four room per gender on each floor, and five floors total. Everyone has their own room. They're pretty luxurious if I say so myself. They've got their own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." You said as you led them on a tour of the rooms.

"There's even a balcony!" Midoriya said while looking down into the courtyard as Kaminari was next to him looking down.

"This is about the same size as the closets we have at home." Momo said while examining a room.

The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang