Chapter 15 - The one with the last day

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"You could spend a few weeks with me." Dorcas said, as she folded another one of her shirts and put it into her trunk. "I'm sure mum and dad wouldn't mind. Of course Quill and Elsa would annoy you a little bit, but I mean..."

"I'm not sure my parents would let me." Iris shrugged, as she closed her own trunk. "Go over to yours I mean."

"Why not?"

"Because they'd probably be scared of you. They're scared of me."

"I don't get why, though." Dorcas groaned, as she sat in her bed. "You've never did anything dangerous. You do have quite some knack for throwing uncalled for hexes – and don't you even dare look at me like that." She waved her hand in front of her face as Iris glared at her. "But you're not even allowed to do magic out of school. You're underage."

"Yeah, but they don't know that, do they? I've told them that already but they don't believe me." Iris shook her head, annoyed. "I don't blame them, though. I almost put our house on fire once."

"I'm sorry?"

"I have no idea how I did it!" She defended herself quickly. "A few years ago, Petunia was holding a match and I lighted it up without really meaning to. She dropped it and it fell on a towel that caught fire. She went to tell mum that I did it on purpose."

"Really?" Dorcas gasped, causing Iris to hum in agreement. "Well, still... They shouldn't treat you the way they do!"

"I don't mind it anymore." Iris smiled gently at her best friend's indignation. "I'm used to it already, really."

"You shouldn't be!"

"Relax, Dorky." Iris giggled, walking up to her bed and sitting beside her. "Come on; let's head downstairs, shall we? The feast is about to begin."

Iris saw that Dorcas was about to protest, so before she could, the red haired girl gripped her friend's hand and pulled her up, walking with her out of the room and toward the Great Hall. As soon as they arrived there, they found the other four girls with whom they shared a room sitting together at the Hufflepuff table and sat down with them.

"What took you two so long?" Glenda asked, looking over at Dorcas as the brunette sat down beside her.

"Just packing our stuff." She shrugged. "Why? Did we miss something important?"

"Not really." Leontine shook her head. "Unless, of course, you count Loreta Kadmio spilling her pumpkin juice all over her robes as 'something important'."

"Loreta? The Gryffindor?" Iris asked looking around and noticing that indeed the third year girl was nowhere to be seen.

"That's the one." Beatrice nodded. "Apparently she was trying to flirt with Justin Adams but it all went wrong."

"It was quite funny, actually." Veronica giggled.

"Poor girl..." Dorcas shook her head before glancing at Adams, who was laughing with his friends at the Gryffindor table. "They're probably talking about her right now."

"Yeah." Iris nodded. "Probably are."

Before any of the girls could say anything else, though, Dumbledore got up from his seat at the Staff's table and cleared his throat. In an instant, the whole room fell silent, waiting for him to start the end of school year speech.

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