Chapter 10 - The one with the sisters

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Iris closed her eyes with a groan as she decided to take a break from trying so hard to fit Jupiter in her night sky map. She brushed the end of her quill against her nose as she tried to remember something Professor Sinistra had said. Maybe it was close to Uranus? Or beside the Orion Constellation? Iris' quill kept floating over that page as she thought, but suddenly a giggle started her.

"Jupiter's around here." Lily said, as she moved Iris' hand to the exact spot where the planet was supposed to go.

"Thanks." Iris smiled, marking a dot on there so she could mark Jupiter in later.

"Didn't pay too much attention in last class, did you?" The older twin asked with a smirk as she sat down beside her sister against a tree, right in front of the Black Lake.

"Not really. I don't like that part of Astronomy that much." Iris shrugged, closing her books and putting all her material aside.

"Do you like any part of Astronomy at all?" Lily arched an eyebrow turning to Iris and they both laughed.

"Fair enough." She said, before leaning against the tree herself. "So... Anything new?"

"Oh!" She exclaim, a smile playing on her lips. "Mary confused the Flobberworm mucus with Infusion of Wormwood today, though, and her Herbicide Potion began to boil. It almost exploded."

"Really?" Iris asked, with a giggle. "Professor Slughorn must've enjoyed it."

"He got really mad. Said the Potion she had managed to create was closer to Pimple Potion than to an Herbicide Potion." Lily shrugged, as if it was nothing. "You?"

"All the same I guess. I did teach Dorcas how to play Hangman today in Professor Sinistra's class." She said, and Lily frowned.

"She didn't know how to play?"

"No. Said it was a Muggle thing and got really excited over the creativeness of our kind or something." Iris laughed, remembering how Dorcas' eyes had shined over the perspective of learning something as simple and banal as Hangman. "But I suppose it's quite the same with us. I mean, have you ever played Wizard's Chess?"


"No? It's great. You have to try some time. It's like normal chess, but the pieces literally destroy each other."

"That sounds quite... Brutal, doesn't it?" Lily scrunched up her nose upon seeing the excitement in her sister's face as she talked about maniac chess pieces that apparently destroyed each other.

"Well, I think it's brilliant. And at the end, they mend themselves again. They don't even feel pain. I guess..." She trailed off, realizing she had no idea whether the pieces did feel pain when they were crushed or not. "It brings a whole new sense to the idea of check-mate, though."

Lily giggled and nodded. She opened up her mouth to say something, but got cut short by another voice.

"Oi, Evans! How's Professor Slughorn's protégée?"

Lily rolled her eyes, but Iris turned to the source of the voice. Sure enough, standing a few feet away from them, at another margin of the Black Lake, was James Potter and his three best friends: Peter Pettigrew, Pretty Boy – who, Iris learned, a few weeks ago, was called Sirius Black – and Remus Lupin. She smiled gently at the latter and he nodded back in response, also with a shy smile.

Iris and Remus now, met up to study every Friday after school. Even if their first tutoring session had started quite awkwardly, with the both of them being quite shy and reserved and not really knowing each other, the following ones were a lot easier. They started to understand each other's humors and personalities. Remus started to see how funny Iris actually was once she was comfortable enough. He started to enjoy her sarcasm and quick remarks as he, himself, had a knack for those too. The first few times Remus did playfully snapped or rolled his eyes at her, she was surprised, but after a while, she began to appreciate his responses and based on a witty type of conversation that Iris couldn't quite hold with anyone else, the two kids started to use their tutoring session not only to study, but to catch up with their new friend.

"He doesn't leave me alone." Lily groaned, shifting so she could lay down on Iris' lap. She looked up at her and the girl looked down at Lily. Their matching bright green eyes meeting halfway in their gaze. "And his friends are no better. I mean... Peter and Remus are okay, I guess... They don't talk that much, but good Lord... James and Sirius are almost unbearable. They pick on me all the time. Whenever they have a chance, they comment on something I'm wearing or doing... It's so annoying."

"Don't they do it with everyone?"

"I mean, yes." Lily nodded. "The both of them are the most big-headed boys I've ever met. Think they're better than everyone."

"Oh, they're boys, Lily..." Iris shrugged, running a hand toward her sister's soft hair as Lily closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. "They think it's funny. They're immature, like every other boy our age."

"Severus is not like that." Lily stated.

Iris thanked whatever god was out there that Lily had her eyes closed, so she missed the face Iris did at the mention of that name. She gulped down her pride and tried to keep her voice even once the conversation moved to him.

"Yeah, I guess not." She mumbled. "How is he, anyway? He's in the house he wanted."

Lily nodded. They both remembered, almost three months ago, on their ride toward Hogwarts that they shared a compartment with Severus and Camilla. The both of them, being Half-Bloods, and knowing how the whole Wizard world worked, explained to the twins. When Camilla got to the House topic, she explained one by one and said that there was a system that placed the students on their rightful place.

The one with the sisters - Year One [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon