Chapter 12 - The one with the birthday

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Iris groaned yet again when the bright sunlight went through the curtains of her four-poster bed. She opened her eyes and sat down, before yawning. She opened the curtains and noticed that all of her other roommates were still asleep. All, of course, except for Dorcas.

"What are you doing up already?" The brunette asked and Iris rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Good morning to you too, Sunshine."

"Morning." She giggled, as she watched her best friend make her way toward the bathroom.

Once inside, Iris locked the door and did everything she had to do, before starting to brush her hair. She decided to let it down for once, knowing Lily would notice and appreciate the change. She walked out of the bathroom and walked to her bed, where she picked up her uniform and started to change, behind the curtains of her bed.

"I'm serious now, though..."

"Dorky!" Iris yelped, as Dorcas had just opened the curtains of her bed and she was only in her underwear and button up shirt. She heard a groan from the bed beside hers and the both of them froze, waiting to see whether or not they had wakened Leontine up. Once she fell silent again, Iris turned back to glare at her best friend. "I'm changing! Dear Lord..."

She snatched the curtains from Dorcas' grip and closed them again. From the outside of her bed, she heard her groan.

"We'll be living together for the next seven years of our lives. I can guarantee I'll see you in much less than this."

"I wasn't expecting it to be that soon, though." She huffed, pulling her skirt up and opening the curtains, so she was facing Dorcas, who was smiling at her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway... You are always the last one up. What are you doing awake?"

"Can't I be on time for once?" Iris shrugged, pulling on her socks and shoes. "For a change."

"Oh, come on... Tell me." The brunette pleaded and Iris giggled.

"It's Lily's birthday." She answered and Dorcas suddenly stopped moving.

"Lily's... But today is the 30th." She frowned.

"I'm well aware."

"But... But you said your birthday was in the 31st."

"It is."

"But... Lily's your twin."

"Uh-hum." She hummed in agreement, before jumping up from her bed and into her feet. She walked toward her bedside table and pulled out a green gift box with a black ribbon on it. "See you at Breakfast, alright?"

She smiled at Dorcas, who was still staring at her as she was mad, before turning to leave the room. As soon as she walked through the door, she giggled. Every time it was the same. Twins with different birth dates? That was impossible.

Iris and Lily Evans were indeed a special set of twins.

With that thought in mind, she made her way from the Hufflepuff Common Room and toward the Gryffindor Tower. The Fat Lady – the literal fat lady that stood in the portrait that guarded the Gryffindor Common Room -, eyed Iris up and down and once she recognized the yellow tie with black strips, she frowned.

The one with the sisters - Year One [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum