Chapter 5 - The one with the girls

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"Iris! Wake up! You're going to get late for your first day!"

Iris groaned and rolled over on her bed, shutting her eyes tightly. Above her, holding the curtains of her four-poster bed, Dorcas sighed.

"Come on, now, Iris, dear... Rise and shine." She said, pulling Iris' covers from her body.

"Dorky..." She mumbled, trying to reach for the sheets, but getting nothing, seeing as the girl was holding them far away from her reach.

"Ah-ah." She clicked her tongue, playfully. "Up you get, come on, now."

Iris opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes to take the sleep out of them. She looked up at Dorcas and frowned.

"What time is it?"

"Seven thirty." She answered.

"Seven thirty? And how the bloody hell are you already up?" Iris asked, seeing as Dorcas was already dressed up in her uniform, with her hair falling down her shoulders perfectly and her face out of any evidence that she had slept at all.

"I'm used to it." She shrugged as if it was nothing. "Now you need to get up. I'll wait for you in the Common Room until eight o'clock sharp. If you don't show up, I'm going to breakfast without you."

"Fine, fine..."

Iris rolled out of bed and noticed every other girl in the room was also already up. She said her good morning and rushed to the bathroom, so she could brush her teeth and hair and wash her face to try and look at least a bit presentable. She walked out and grabbed her uniform. Like every other girl, she had to wear a button up shirt and a skirt down to her knees. She groaned. She'd much rather wear some jeans. But well... She putted on the clothes and tied her yellow and black tie around her neck. She slipped on her socks and shoes and headed out of the room, being the last one to do so.

Dorcas, as promised was waiting for Iris in the Common Room. When she saw her friend coming down the stairs, she smiled. Iris smiled back and together, they made her way toward the Great Hall, all the while chatting and laughing together. When they got there, Dorcas started to make her way to the Hufflepuff table, but Iris spotted a bunch of messy flaming red hair and smiled.

"You go ahead. I'll just go over and say hi to Lily." Iris said and Dorcas nodded, before continuing her previous way.

Iris walked toward Lily and quietly crept behind her.

"Boo." She mumbled as she stood behind her.

Lily jumped slightly and dropped the spoon she was using to eat her cereal.

"My God, Irie!" She complained as Iris laughed.

"Just came to say hi."

"Well, hi." Lily said, pretending to be annoyed, but failing to hide a smile as she looked up at her sister. "Anyway... These are my friends. Marlene and Mary." She introduced, pointing to a brunette and a dark skinned girl, who smiled at Iris and waved as she did the same. "Girls, this is my sister, Iris."

"Hey. Nice to meet you." Iris smiled. "I'd present you to Dorcas, but she's over there, eating." She pointed to her House's table, where her best friend was sat with her back toward them. "Anyway... I better go. Can't be late for the first day, now, can I?"

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