Chapter 4 - The one with the hat

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"Oh my God, this is amazing!" Iris breathed out as she and all the other first years walked into the Castle of Hogwarts for the first time.

"Even more than I had imagined." Camilla said, also sounded quite starstruck.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Lily cheered, tugging at Iris' arm, causing the younger sister to giggle.

They all followed an old looking Professor, who had, merely seconds ago introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. She was guiding them toward the corridors and didn't even think before taking a turn to the left or right, even if they all seemed the same to Iris.

"She's taking us to the Great Hall." Camilla whispered over at Iris, who looked at her. "We're going to be sorted. Into our Houses. After that there's a feast. Dad says the food here is wonderful."

"Oh, that's great." Iris smiled. "But can't we just... Eat first and be sorted later? I'm starving."

"I like your thinking." Camilla giggled.

As they kept talking to each other, they barely even notice when McGonagall opened the huge doors leading toward the Great Hall. Iris and the others walked into the room and every other student already sitting on their table glued their eyes on them. Iris blushed slightly, not liking to draw attention. McGonagall told them to stand in a line, in front of the four big tables of the Houses and with their backs turned to the Professor's table.

McGonagall pulled up a wooden bank, and placed it in the middle of the room, before reaching over again and picking up a hat. Iris' eyebrows rose. It was in the exact format of those witches' hats from the movies. Maybe the Muggle weren't that naïve after all. She placed the hat on the bank and everyone fell silent as she took a step back.

When Iris was about to open her mouth to ask Camilla what were they waiting for, a rip opened at the base of the hat and it begun to sing. The first years gasped and the other students smiled. The song was about each House's qualities. Iris would've liked to say she listened to the song, but she was in too much of a shock to do that. The hat talked! It even sang, for God's sake! She only snapped out of her thoughts when the Professor McGonagall called the first name.

"Anderson, Camilla!"

"It's me!" Camilla beamed beside Iris. "Wish me luck."

"Hum, well... Good luck."

Camilla winked at Iris and walked up to the bench, before sitting down. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on top of her head and the whole room fell silent once more, but this time, not for so long.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out.

Iris almost jumped back, alarmed when a whole table got to their feet and started applauding. Camilla smiled and walked up to her new table. Ravenclaw... Iris tried to remember what Camilla had said to her on the train about that house. Nothing came up.

Another student: Gryffindor.

And another: Slytherin.

Iris stopped paying attention. That is, until she heard her name being called.

"Evans, Iris!"

She looked back at Lily, who gave her an encouraging nod and smile. Iris gulped, before making her way toward the bench and sitting down. She felt the hat being place on top of her head, but, being too big for her, it slipped a bit, covering her eyes.

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