Chapter 8 - The one with the Quidditch

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"Hey. You're going today, right?" Camilla asked, as she leaned forward against her desk to whisper the question right beside her ear.

Iris smiled as she leaned back in her own chair.

"Of course I will. I can barely wait." She whispered back.

"Cheers." Camilla giggled. "I'll meet you up in the Great Hall at four o'clock?"

"Sounds good. Is Bambi going?"

"Yes. Dorky?"

"She'll be going too. Says she's not that much into Quidditch, but since we're interested..." Iris shrugged.

"Yeah, well... If I got excited with just what I told you about it, I can't even imagine the face you'll be doing during the whole game."

Iris smiled as she remembered the day, a few weeks ago where the both of them spent a whole Sunday afternoon discussing Quidditch while Bambi and Dorcas chatted about something else. Well... Iris more listened than talked, but by the way Camilla's eyes lighted up at the mere mention of the game, the red haired girl could only expect it to be great.

"It better live to my expectations, Milla, because if it doesn't, I'll be crushed."

"Oh, believe me. It will." Camilla smirked.

As Iris was about to respond, Professor Merrythought turned from the board and face both girls. She coughed lightly, as everyone in the class stopped what they were doing to look at them as well.

"Ms. Evans and Ms. Anderson... Is my class interrupting your conversation?"

"No, Professor..." Camilla mumbled at the same time Iris shook her head.

"We're sorry, Professor."

"It's alright." Professor Merrythought said. "Just don't let it happen again. Anyway... As I was saying... The vermillious charm..."

She kept talking, but Iris couldn't focus on her anymore. Not when she was this close to watch her first ever Quidditch match.


Dorcas and Iris were standing right outside the doors of the Great Hall. As they were waiting for Camilla and Bambi, they watched as about a hundred people walked past them with scarfs draped around their necks and their faces painted either in red and golden paint or green and silver. Yes, the first match was the year was Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

"You do take this seriously around here, don't you?" Iris asked Dorcas as a group of three Gryffindor boys ran past them chanting "Gryffindor to the win" at the top of their lungs.

"We do." Dorcas smiled at Iris' astonishment. "If you're surprised by this, just wait until you get to see the World Cup."

"You have a Quidditch World Cup?" Iris gasped, turning to face her best friend. Dorcas nodded. "How come we never saw it? I mean... It must be a huge event."

"It is." She nodded. "But the Ministry makes everything in their power to try and keep the Muggles away. Dad says they use as many Anti-Muggle precautions as possible."

"Anti-Muggle?" She asked, not quite liking the sound of it.

"Nothing dangerous, though. I hope..."

"Hey, you two!" Camilla called, as she waved at them from the other side of the hallway. "Come on now, or we won't be getting good seats."

Dorcas and Iris made their way toward the two Ravenclaw girls, dodging sixth and seventh years that seemed to be blinded by the excitement of the game. The four of them made their way out of the Castle and toward the Quidditch Pitch. As soon as they got there, they climbed up the stairs toward one of the blenchers, so they could sit down and watch the game. They spent the half an hour they had until the game started chatting and laughing together, but as soon as they heard the narrator announcing the entrance of the teams, Camilla and Iris' eyes snapped toward the field and glued there.

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