Day 191

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Day 191

time 330pm

  I sit in my new condo... although there's furniture it feels empty. without harry I feel lost. he was always there for me and now hes not. I get a call and I look at the caller ID it reads harry. I feel tears form in my eyes as I hit ignore. since i left I haven't talked to harry or anyone for that matter. after I left I went to my old apartment packed up everything and called a real estate agent to find me a condo as soon as possible, i moved in yesterday. everything is already unpacked and set up and my old landline is set up and my phone is on the charger. he calls both twice and quits. I haven't told him where I lived because I don't want to see him... I just Want to be alone....

the phone rings again and this time I answer instead of ignoring it.
yes harry?
I want you bac-kk I'm sorry..
its for the best harry. you want this you just feel bad.
no I love you
I love you too harry.

   After that I hang up on him. no longer being able to take it much longer. I practically crawl to my bed and curl up in a ball and cry until tears won't come out anymore. I hear my phone ring again and I look and see its Louis I decide to ignore It to and let it ring. I hear Harry's beautifull voice sing to me like the day he did in the hospital... I fall asleep to it again just like a lullaby.

so now instead of just being heartbroken by zayn hes heartbroken by harry. oh god this is killing me <\3 :"(

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