Day: 129

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Day 129

Time 128pm

I wake up to a knock at the door. I fumble out of the bed quite dizzy from the second set of pills I took around 9am not wanting to be awake at all I just decided to use my sleeping pills.  I go back to work. on tour with the boys in 3 days. I open the door and I see a curly hair boy with green eyes staring back at me with a concerned look. he looks me up and down... and then he stands there mouth gaping open and that's when I realize. my clothes I'm not wearing any clothes. my thighs and arms are covered in cutting marks. I paniack as I run away from the door and into my closet. I fumble to throw on clothes and then as I step out of the closet I see harry staring back at me teary eyed and sad. I swallow and feel a ping of guilt set in my stomach with everything else. he shakes his head and he stares at me..  then at my arms. I curse myself again because I'm not wearing a long sleeved shirt I put them behind my back but he already saw. he let's out one sob but then he just lets out another and then another. I stare at him as he sinks to his knees, hands over face crying. I swallow and watch him as I realize how badly I hurt him. "I'm sorry...  haz" I sit down next to him and take him in my arms. he wraps his arms around my waist and continues to cry.... "I'm so sorry. haz..  I am so sorry.."

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