twenty four

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twenty four

twenty four

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"D O N ' T touch him, you bitch!" Sagà screamed, as she struggled to get through the spikes Hela had conjured around her. She watched as the siblings battled, and when Hela almost had the upper-hand, Sagà reached her arm out, a golden mist swirling around the weapon, stopping it from reaching Thor's jugular.

Hela looked back to Sagà with a piercing glare, watching as the gold mist swirled from the brunette's elbow to her fingertips, and her eyes met Thor's blue ones icily, "Your slave won't be here to protect you forever."

Thor felt rage surge through him, and soon he had the upper-hand this time around, only for Hela to twist him around, an infuriating smirk upon her lips, "To be honest, I expected more."

Thor didn't even have time to counterattack, and Sagà was left to be almost useless when Hela had the man pinned against the wall. Her body felt slack almost, like it was shutting down from feeling all the emotions within this room at one time. Thor rolled away from Hela's grip, and it wasn't until Hela literally cut Thor's eye out for her to finally feel control again.

The golden mist trailed from her fingers, her eyes a bright gold, a scream leaving her lips as the little cage she was in burst into small fragments around her. Hela turned with a smirk as she kicked the helpless Thor away, "I've been waiting for this."

Each time Hela tried to hit Sagà with her double-bladed swords, Sagà was quicker. She dodged, punched, and kicked, using all of her abilities to work against the Goddess of Death's odds. When she finally had the woman trapped much like Thor was minutes ago, Sagà's face darkened, the gold mist pushing Hela back as she struggled, "I'm not afraid of you."

"And I of you!"

The sudden shock was enough for Hela to burst through her restraints, stabbing Sagà right through the abdomen. The brunette gasped, slumping to her knees as she grasped her side. Her hands were covered in blood, and she heard Thor's protests, as his sister pulled him onto the balcony. Sagà struggled to breath as she pressed her side as hard as she could, pushing herself back until she made it to her sword.

She was going to be fine, she repeated in her head, standing up slowly. Hela cackled in Thor's face, mocking the man, saying he was going to be alone, that she was going to take everything he loved from him slowly. Then she showed him all the destruction, that no matter what he did, she was going to win.

Thor noticed Sagà standing behind Hela, and he shook his head, small enough to where Hela wouldn't notice, and he mouthed 'go'. Saga wanted to protest, but seeing how Thor was flooding with guilt, she couldn't help but nod, leaving the two siblings to fight.

Sagà was already almost outside when she noticed fireworks going off. She limped as fast as she could to the Bifrost, her side throbbing in pain, and she didn't look back. She knew if she saw Thor struggling, she would never forgive herself.

When she reached the bridge, she clenched her fingers together in a fist, and slowly the undead guards were crushed by gold, and she stepped through them effortlessly. She blocked shots, bouncing them off of little forcefields that covered her hands, and she made it to where Brunnhilde was.

She didn't allow herself to cry until then, when she noticed Loki was fighting alongside them, her eyes watering. She didn't let the tears control her, as she sent a few of Hela's goons that were advancing behind Loki soaring with a simple flick of her wrist. Loki smiled when he saw her, stabbing through another guard, "Never thought you would see me again?"

"Have I ever told you how much of an asshole you are?"

Loki simply smiled, standing up straight, and slowly he fixed the headdress that rested upon her forehead, "Chin up, my dear, we have a revolution to win."

As soon as Loki had finished his sentence, thunder echoed around them. Lightning crackling before an extremely large bolt of lightning crashed into the castle, sending a single body soaring. When Sagà noticed that the large lightning bolt was, in fact, Thor, she couldn't help but cry in relief. Though the moment was short-lived, and soon she was back to fighting, sticking close to Loki.

It felt like ages before the fighting had stilled, as Brunnhilde ushered Asgardians into the ship, and Thor finally made his way over to where Loki and Saga stood. Saga sucked in a deep breath when she noticed his eye, "I should have stayed."

"There was nothing you can do," Thor shrugged, trying to ease any guilt Sagà had. He didn't want the woman to feel bad for his own stupidity, "only downfall is now I can't wink at the most beautiful girl in the galaxy."

Loki rolled his eyes, "Oh stop, you're making me blush."

"You're late."

Loki rolled his eyes, and motioned to Thor's face, "And you're missing an eye."

Sagà looked over her shoulder, watching as Brunnhilde was walking toward them, and then she looked the other way, she elbowed the darker-skinned woman when she finally stood next to her, and Brunnhilde nodded, "This isn't over."

Together, the four of them walked in sync, stopping a little ways away from Hela. She didn't stop, and Sagà leaned closer to Thor when he leaned down to whisper something to the group. Loki, on the other side of Brunnhilde rolled his eyes when Thor said the Revengers should no longer be a thing.

Loki couldn't help but see the irrelevance in that statement, and he looked over at his brother, "Hit her with a lightning blast."

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning," Thor deadpanned, as he watched his older sister carefully. The woman didn't even seem stunned. "It did nothing."

Sagà finally felt the adrenaline rush slowly come down, all the pain around her flooding her system, and she groaned. She looked back to the ship as she tried to put a grip on all the emotions that flooded in, "People are in pain, we need to act fast, hold her back as long as we can."

"The longer Hela's on Asgard the more powerful she grows," Thor informed, Hela's pace not settling as she continued to advance closer, "she'll hunt us down, find where we went, we need to stop her here and now."

"What's our move?" Brunnhilde asked, looking between Sagà, Loki, Hela, and Thor. The raven-haired man beside her gave Thor a pointed look when the blond looked at him with a smirk.

"I'm not doing 'get help'."


not going to lie, this was actually supposed to be a loki story, but i thought sagà and thor would be better, but what do you think?

maybe i'll write a short story where loki and sagà happen, oR would you guys like to write short stories? just a thought haha!

ps, i love you guys and your comments make me so so happy!

i do not own thor; ragnarok
but i do own sága
so please do not steal her
thank you!

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