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W I T H O U T her parents, Sagà felt lost. She stood awkwardly with the blonde woman, her queen, Frigga. The young girl swayed from side to side, biting her lip nervously.

"They will like you," Frigga assured, holding her hand out for the small brunette to take, "don't be nervous, my dear."

The brunette smiled ever so slightly, walking behind Frigga as she entered a grand dining room. It was mostly empty, spare a few maids that straightened up the plates, and the three men Sagà had been anxious to meet.

"Loki, Thor," Frigga called, gaining the attention of her sons, the two boys immediately sitting straighter when they noticed their mother. The blonde woman smiled, clasping her hands in front of her, "be polite."

"Is she here?" Thor asked, sitting up straight and fixing his hair ever so slightly. Loki gave his brother a weird look, scrunching his eyebrows together, before he turned to his mother.

"She's behind you, isn't she?"

Odin stayed silent, watching the brunette who slowly moved away from Frigga, her brown eyes downcast as the two princes gaped at her. They are just excited to have someone else their age around this empty castle. She slowly looked up, her cheeks a bright red, but a smile crossed her face when Thor waved at her excitedly.

"Hello," Loki spike first, and Sagà looked at the young prince, before curtsying politely. Loki felt himself blush too, and he shook his head, "no need to curtesy, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine."

"I'm Thor!" Sagà's attention turned to the blond prince, who patted the seat beside him excitedly, "I saved you a seat!"

Sagà couldn't help but giggle as the blond boy tripped to stand, pulling the chair out and motioning for her to sit. The brunette sat down, covering her mouth as she giggled when Thor struggled to push her chair in, the chair leg getting stuck on the rug.

The blond groaned under his breath, as he noticed the problem, using his foot to hold the rug down as he pushed her chair in. He clapped his hands once, "There you go, m'lady!"

Sagà didn't know if it was the fact that Thor had pushed her chair in, or that he had called her 'm'lady', but her heart fluttered ever so slightly. She whispered a quiet 'thank you'. Odin sat at the head of the table, flashing Frigga a knowing look as she sat beside him, taking her spot beside her raven-haired son.

"Sagà will be staying with us," Odin finally spoke, nodding toward the shy girl, "I want you both on your best behavior."

"Wouldn't expect anything less." Loki mumbled sarcastically, but Sagà had heard him. She giggled at his words, watching the raven-haired boy flush. She looked around the table, toward the people who would become her family, and she couldn't help but relax.

She felt at home, she knew this is where she belonged, and when she caught the two princes smiling at her, she knew they were going to be extremely important to her.

Thor rested his head against the rusting wall. He was extremely exhausted, and after Hela had mentioned Sagà, he couldn't help but feel guilt. He had searched for the brunette, but every lead he found on her only sent him to an unknown place. It didn't help that Odin had brought the woman up as well, saying she was closer than they had thought.

He missed her, it's as simple as that. Sagà was his rock, the person he would turn to when he had a problem. Even when he had been sent to Midgard, she had visited him every night, thanking Jane for taking care of him when she couldn't.

His heart ached, all he wanted to do was find her and tell her he was sorry. He wished he looked harder, and he only prayed that she wasn't alone and afraid.

Thor would never forgive himself if Sagà was alone, afraid, or hurt. He just wanted her to be safe, that was all he wanted.

"Why would you hit me?" Sagà groaned in pain, clutching her shoulder as she fell back on her bed. Loki was holding back his laugh, his guilt fading away when he saw how dramatic his friend was being.

"One should not sneak up on me, dear," Loki tutted, a teasing smile on his lips. He couldn't help but laugh when Sagà only glared, and he shrugged, "You should know better."

Sagà sighed, laying back on her bed, only for Loki to join beside her. She looked over at him with a frown, "Do you think Thor is safe?"

Loki thought back to his brother, who sat in that circular never-ending cell. He nodded slowly, the woman relaxing beside him.

"Do you think he's hurt?"

"He's tough," Loki grimaced, his mind thinking of his brother again. He wanted to tell Sagà but at the same time, he didn't want to, he liked having Sagà to himself, just like old times, "I'm sure he's fine."

"How can you be so sure?" Sagà asked, stating straight at the ceiling above her. She barely remembered the blond man, but she remembered enough to know he was important, and she would never forgive herself if he was in pain.

"Just trust me, I know."

"Asking me to trust the God of Mischief is asking a lot from me." Loki laughed at his friend's words, nudging her leg with his knee. She laughed alongside him.

Loki looked at his hands, which rested on his stomach, and he blinked slowly, his mind returning to how Thor was technically a 'contender', "When is the next tournament?"


"When does the Grandmaster have someone fight his champion?" Loki asked again. Sagà thought for a moment before she rolled her eyes. Hulk had been making her train with him, so of course she knew when he was supposed to fight.

"Tomorrow," Sagà whispered, as if she was afraid that if she be too loud, she would ruin the atmosphere, "we can go together if you'd like."

Loki smiled, "I wouldn't mind that, who is the champion?"

Sagà couldn't help but giggle, and she looked toward the wall beside her, her mind on the green being who had become a close friend of her's, "You'll have to see him to believe him."

"Should I be afraid then?"

Sagà smirked, "Very."


will sagà and thor meet again soon?
will i drag this on for one more chapter?
tune in next time to find out!

i do not own thor; ragnarok
but i do own sága
so please do not steal her
thank you!

Celestial || T. ODINSON {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now