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F O O T S T E P S caused Odin to look up from his lap. He felt his eyebrows raise when he noticed it was Sàga, being trailed by his eldest son, Thor. The young brunette was laughing as she ran away from Thor, who was playfully threatening to attack her. He almost caught up to her too, but Sàga was quicker, running around his arms and dashing the other way. It was almost as if she knew what his next move was going to be.

Sàga sent a toothy grin Odin's way, and the older man couldn't help but wink. Being the Goddess of Wisdom was seemingly working in her favor during a silly game of tag. Thor groaned in defeat before he took off after his friend. He was going to get her, he swore on it, he couldn't let Sàga's ego grow any more, especially after she beat them during one of their wrestling matches.

Sàga turned back to see where Thor was, and she managed to trip over someone's foot. She landed with a harsh boom against the cold marble flooring of the corridor, and she let out a grunt in pain. She flipped over to her back, and when she saw a concerned Loki standing above her, she sent him a pained grin, "Loki, always a pleasure to see your face!"

The raven-haired boy blushed at the girl's words. He'd be lying if he said he didn't have the tiniest tiniest crush on the girl. She was the first girl who didn't freak out when she saw his {slightly horrendous} magic, nor did she ditch him for Thor completely. She played with the both of them equally, which was exactly what Loki liked.

"And the same to you, but are you hurt?" Loki helped the girl up, who groaned dramatically. Thor ran around the corner, though his footsteps halted when he saw Sàga's face scrunched up in pain.

"Are you okay, Sàga?" Thor bellowed out, jogging to stand beside his brother who was still holding onto her hands. The girl couldn't help but laugh, and though it slightly hurt her abdomen to laugh, she continued to laugh harder. The brothers looked at her like she was crazy, but Thor couldn't hold it in much longer, and soon he was laughing along with her.

The childrens' laughter caused Frigga to stop completely, and she basked in how happy her sons sound. Their gleeful cheers making her shake her head as she laughed to herself, carrying on to go back to the library. Sàga brought the two in a group hug, nuzzling in their shoulders as her small arms brought her best friends closer to her.

Thor and Loki held back just as tight, both of their faces flushing a deep maroon color when Sàga mumbled into their collars, "I love you, my boys."

Sàga tugged her boys closer to her when she felt the familiar heat rise over her cheeks. She didn't want the princes to see her blush, and they didn't seem to complain when she tightened her grip, rather they leaned into her. She sighed in content. She really did love these two.

Sage jolted awake, sweat dripping down her brow. She clutched the blankets around her, like the young girl had clung to the two boys in her dream. For some reason she couldn't help but think that wasn't a dream but rather a memory. Her head pounded at the thought, and she hugged the blanket closer.

Her head felt like it could split in two at any given moment, and she whimpered. She hated feeling weak, but the pain was almost unbearable. She couldn't stop seeing the two princes from her dream, their faces were like poison to her, every time she saw them, it was like a painful shot of ice was flowing through her veins. She shut her eyes tightly.

She wanted to remember who those two boys were. She wanted to know if she was that little girl who held them close and told them she loved them. She wanted her memories back, she wanted herself back goddamn it! She felt power surge through her, the icy feeling slowly slipping away as it was replaced, and now warmth spreading through her fingertips. She slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes grew wide when she noticed several objects throughout her room floating, a gasp tumbling from her lips, though the moment she actually thought about how the objects were seemingly floating through the air was when everything tumbled to the floor. The crashes didn't even make Sage flinch, she was too confused if anything.

She looked around her room deep in thought. Was she the one who did that? Clearly she was the reason everything was floating, right? Her head pounded and she felt the urge to start sobbing. She just wanted to know what was going on. She didn't understand why she was here, how she even got to this planet, and why she was dreaming of children. It sounded absolutely horrid now that she thought of it, why was she dreaming of children and why did they seem so familiar?

She finally cried out in frustration. This was all beginning to be too much. Her eyes watered as she grew overwhelmed, not enjoying all the emotions that flooded through her. She had so many unanswered questions and it was starting to physically hurt. Why was it so hard for her to just remember who she was? And why was Valkyrie so familiar? Even just the word 'Valkyrie' was something that just seemed like she had heard it before.

Sage slumped back into her pillows, and tried to focus on her breathing. The rise and fall of her chest was something she had always been familiar with, this wasn't new to her. Slowly she felt herself relax again. Though she couldn't fall asleep, all of the thoughts racing through her brain just made it too difficult.

Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see were Loki and Thor, and she bit her lip. The two seemed so familiar to her, as if she had known them. Her mind wandered back to the little girl in her dream.

Was that her?

Was she Sàga?


i do not own thor; ragnarok
but i do own sága
so please do not steal her
thank you!

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