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B R U N N H I L D E never thought she would see the woman who stood before her ever again, let alone hear her voice. She felt her eyes water as the thought of what happened slipped into her mind, and she only prayed that the woman couldn't read her thoughts, that the huge blow to her head stopped any powers that she once had. When Sage didn't say a word about the images, Brunnhilde knew that the woman who had trained her wasn't there, it was just her shell, her memories had been locked down.

Sage tilted her head. Brunnhilde seemed to be having an internal conflict with herself. She knew this woman, Sage knew that she was friends with the woman before her, she just didn't remember where they had met or how she exactly knew of her existence. But she knew her.

Any thought she had was crushed when the darker-skinned woman shook her head. Sage felt her heart shatter when the woman spoke, claiming she wasn't the person she thought, that her name wasn't even Brunnhilde, but rather it was Valkyrie. Sage's brows creased in confusion as she looked at Valkyrie with an almost heartbroken expression, "You look like someone I once knew, I'm sorry."

"It happens to the best of us," Valkyrie tried to lighten the mood, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. Sage probably just wanted to remember who she was, what she once was, and by Valkyrie lying to her, it only sent her a few steps back from her intended goal; figuring out why she couldn't remember anything about herself. She cleared her throat awkwardly, "I was asked by the Grandmaster if you wanted to attend his party, apparently it's in celebration of your first win."

Sage gulped. She didn't exactly want to go to a party, she wanted to lay in that glorious bed over there and ponder on the fact that Valkyrie looked eerily similar to someone she once knew. She also had a headache that was already to the point where Sage just wanted to sit down and close her eyes. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, before a fake smile fell over her face, and she opened her eyes once more, "I guess it would be rude to not attend a party for you, yeah?"

Sage regretted it. The moment she stepped through the doorway she had regretted coming to the party. She couldn't turn away now though. Valkyrie has already ditched her to go fetch herself a drink and Sage was left all alone, stuck fidgeting with the end of the short dress she had found in one of the drawers in her room. She didn't like how the golden fabric clung to every inch of her body, and just how short it truly was, but those thoughts were whisked away when the Grandmaster tugged her to the front.

"Let's hear it for Sakaar's new Golden Girl, Sage!" The Grandmaster looked pleased with the nickname he made on the spot. He couldn't take all the credit though, the beautiful dress she wore was the spark of his inspiration, just like she was going to be the spark to add interest in his fights once again. He felt his ego grow with each yell and cheer from the crowd before him, and he raised Sage's arm up, the crowd only getting louder.

Sage looked over toward the weird man with a polite smile, slowly lowering her arm back to her side at the Sakaarians went back to dancing to the music that beat through the speakers, "Thank you."

"No no Sage," The Grandmaster patter Sage's arms, rubbing his hands down them quickly, making Sage's stomach swirl with uncomfortableness, "thank you."

With those two words, the Grandmaster danced off wildly, and Sage rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, as her eyes scanned the crowd for the girl she thought she knew. She felt herself smile ever so slightly when she saw Brunnh— Valkyrie demanding for another drink. Her strides were long as she pushed through the crowd to get to the bar, sending a dashing smile toward the bartender.

She politely ordered her drink, sending a wink toward Valkyrie. For some weird reason, she felt like she had done this before. And from the weird look Valkyrie had made, she was feeling it too. Valkyrie couldn't even lie to herself, she wanted to smile, for this is what Sàga and her would do all the time, but Sage had no clue who she truly was, and right now she was just acting on instinct. But when Sage was handed the drink, she didn't hesitate to slide it over to where Valkyrie was standing. They smiled.

Sage didn't get back to her room until late in the evening. She felt exhausted, and her feet throbbed with each step. It was definitely a mistake to wear heels to a party, but she thought they made her legs look longer than they already were. It was a price she had to make to fool the eyes of those around her.

She slumped into the bed with a huff, allowing herself to sink into the extremely large bed. The plush pillows were inviting to her, and the level of comfort she was at was enough to make her headache slowly lessen. Seeing the darker-skinned woman had made her skull hurt, and it felt as if she was forgetting something important, she just didn't know what.

All she knew was that she didn't like that feeling. She didn't like the feeling that the answers were right in front of her, and the fact that she barely even knew how she ended up in this place, and what she was doing before this place. Hell, was she even who she thought she was?

Her headache worsened, and she rubbed at her temples, desperate to relieve some of the pain it had caused, but the same question bounced throughout her brain, driving her absolutely crazy.

Who was she?


i do not own thor; ragnarok
but i do own sága
so please do not steal her
thank you!

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