Episode 22 : Founder's Day part 2

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Town Square

[Jeremy is walking, and Damon appears walking behind him.]

Damon (mocking Jeremy): "I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them. Being a teenager is so hard!"

Jeremy: You're a dick!

Damon: You do not talk to me like that! I'm not your sister. And for now on, (Damon grabs Jeremy's arm) don't talk to your sister that way either.

Jeremy: So, you're going to kill me just 'cause I hurt Elena's feelings?

Damon: Cut her some slack.

Jeremy: She erased my memories.

Damon: No, I did! She was protecting you.

Jeremy: It wasn't her call to make.

[He tries to leave but Damon grabs his arm and pulls him back roughly.]

Jeremy: Let go of me before I cause a scene.

Damon: You'll be unconscious before you even got a word out.

[Stefan arrives.]

Stefan: Let him go.

[Damon releases him. Stefan puts himself between them and looks at Jeremy.]

Stefan: Are you alright?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Stefan (looking at Damon): What my brother is trying to say is, don't blame Elena for this. Damon turned Vicki, I killed her. She was a threat to you, and she was a threat to your sister. I'm sorry that it happened, I wish that it hadn't.

[Damon looks at Stefan.]

Jeremy: You shouldn't have made me forget...

[Jeremy leaves.]

Damon: Good cop, bad cop. I like it.

Stefan: What are you doing?

Damon: He's being a punk.

Stefan: Elena's relationship with her brother is none of your business. So stay out of it!

Damon: Oh, there's only one "do-gooder" role available. My bad. I'm sorry.

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