Episode 12 : Unpleasantville

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Salvatore Boarding House Edit

[Stefan walks into the library, books are strewn haphazardly across the room. When he enters, he sees Damon, looking through the shelves and tossing aside books. Stefan stops and looks at him.]

Stefan: What are you lookin' for, Damon?

Damon: Not your concern.

Stefan: No, but putting Elena in harm's way, that is my concern.

Damon: [flipping through a book, not looking up at Stefan] Hm hm. What are you talking about?

Stefan: I'm talking about Atlanta.

Damon: [looks away from his back and at Stefan] Oh, yeah. Elena and I had blast.

Stefan: I get it. You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and poor Katherine is just out of reach. Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree said?

Damon: You're pathetic when you're fishing.

Stefan: And you're transparent when you're deflecting.

Damon: Don't you have school?

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