Episode 7 : Haunted part 3

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{Damon is talking to Bonnie.}

Damon: So where...where'd Caroline run off to?

Bonnie: Do yourself a favor, Damon, and don't ask me about Caroline.

Damon: Oh, Bonnie. So loyal.

Bonnie: Just stay away from her.

[Damon notices the crystal.]

Damon: Where'd you get that?

Bonnie: From a friend.

Damon: Caroline. You know that's mine, don't you?

Bonnie: Not anymore.

Damon: Funny. I'd like it back, please.

Bonnie: I'm not giving it to you. I'll give it to Caroline, and she can give it to you if she feels like it.

Damon: Or I could just take it right now.

[Damon grabs at the crystal and it burns his hand. Bonnie runs.]

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