Episode 13 : Children of the damned part 2

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[Damon and Jeremy are sitting in the family room playing a video game.]

Jeremy: You said you never played this thing before.

Damon: I'm a fast learner. Quick reflexes.

[Jeremy's phone goes off. He pauses the game and takes out his phone, but ignores the call, he tosses his phone aside and unpauses the game.]

Damon: Who are you dodging?

Jeremy: This girl Anna. She can be, uh, persistent.

Damon: Is she hot?

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, but she can be weird.

Damon: Hot trumps weird, trust me.

[Jeremy smiles and laughs.]

[In the kitchen, Jenna and Elena are talking. Damon eavesdrops in on their conversation with his vampire hearing.]

Jenna: [whispers] He is ridiculously hot!

Elena: Shh!

[Damon smirks at Jenna's comment.]

Elena: [looks over at Damon] He's an ass.

[Damon rolls his eyes and stops listening in.]

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