Episode 10 : Turning Point part 2

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Logan: Dude, it's not like the welcome wagon was waiting with a bundt cake and a handbook. It's been a learn as you go process. You know, one minute, I'm a small town on the rise news guy and next thing I know, I can't get into my house, because my foot won't go through the door.

Damon: [sitting up and prying another bullet out] You have to be invited in.

Logan: I know. I live alone.

Damon: Ah, [chuckles softly] that sucks.

Logan: So now, I am at the Ramada, watching pay per view all day, eating everything in sight, including housekeeping.

Damon: It could be worse.

Logan: All I can think about is blood and killing people. I can't stop killing people. I keep killing [laughs maniacally] and I like it. I'm conflicted.

Damon: Welcome to the club.

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