Episode 15 : A few good men part 2

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Salvatore Boarding House

[Elena enters Stefan's room.]

Elena: Stefan?

Damon: Better. Me.

[Damon walks out of the bathroom, without a shirt on.]

Elena: You look, um...

Damon: Dashing? Gorgeous? Irresistible?

[Damon walks across the room, closing the space between him and Elena. Elena pushes him back when he gets uncomfortably close.]

Elena: Wrecked. You look wrecked.

Damon: No reason why. Do you know that I am one of Mystic Falls' most eligible bachelors?

Elena: Huh.

Damon: Yep.

Elena: How are you doing?

Damon: Never better. Yep.

[He puts on a button up shirt.]

Damon: What can I do for you? I'm a barrel of favors today. It's my newfound purpose—how can I help people?

Elena: I'm just meeting Stefan. We're going to the fundraiser.

[Damon pretends that he is to drunk to button up his shirt, so he tries to het Elena to do it for him so she'll be close to him. He turns around, looking at Elena hoping she'll come over to him.]

Damon: Help a guy out, will you? Can't get this.

[Elena sighs and walks over to Damon. She grabs the front of his shirt and begins buttoning it up.]

Elena: So I found out who my birth mother is.

Damon: Eccch. Who cares?

[Elena looks at him, hurt.]

Damon: She left you. She sucks.

[Elena and Damon exchange glances for a moment, then Elena looks over Damon's shoulder and smiles.]

Elena: Stefan. There you are.

[Elena walks over to Stefan. Stefan smiles at her. Damon starts to put his jacket on.]

Damon: Uhh. I need a bigger jacket. Wow. You know, an occasional sorority girl might, um, you know, help fill you out a little bit.

[Damon throws the jacket onto Stefan's bed and leaves the room.]

Elena: He's fine.

Stefan: He's Damon.

Elena: Maybe this heartache will be good for him. It'll remind him that he has one, even if it doesn't beat.

Stefan: Won't hold my breath.

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