Episode 15 : A few good men part 4

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At the Salvatore Boarding House

[Damon comes back come, Alaric's waiting for him in the living room, a stake in his hand]

Alaric: Where's Isobel? What have you done to my wife?

Damon: You want me to tell you I killed her? Would that make you happy? Because I think you know what happened.

Alaric: I saw you feeding on her.

Damon: Yeah, I did, and I wasn't lying. She was delicious.

[Alaric rushes at Damon. Damon hits Alaric in the stomach and Alaric keels over falling back onto the floor.]

Damon: Oh, come on. What do you think happened? Not an inkling? Never considered the possibility?

[Alaric looks up at him.]

Damon: I turned her.

Alaric: Why?

Damon: She came to me. All pathetic, looking for vampires. There was something about her, something I liked. There was something special.

Alaric: You turned her because you liked her?

Damon: No, I slept with her because I liked her. I turned her because she begged me to. Yeah. But you knew that, too, didn't you? Hmm. I guess she wasn't happy at home, wasn't happy with life in general, wasn't happy with you.

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