Episode 17 : Let the right one in

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Mystic Falls High School

[Alaric is walking down the hallway when Damon appears. Alaric stops in his tracks.]

Damon: Well, don't you look...alive?

Alaric: You can't hurt me.

Damon: Oh, I can hurt you, all right.

Elena: Mr. Saltzman. We need your help.

[They go into Alaric's classroom to talk.]

Elena: Stefan's in the house. Damon's a vampire. He can't get in. We need you. I would go, but...

Damon: But your life is valuable. Yours, on the other hand is...

Elena: Stefan told me about your ring.

Alaric: What about it?

Damon: Let me recap...You tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?

Alaric: Yeah. The part where I try and kill you again. Only this time, I don't miss.

Elena: Mr. Saltzman. Please. It's Stefan.

Alaric: I'm sorry, Elena. But it's not my problem.

Damon: That's a shame. Because the woman in charge of the crowd can help you find your wife.

Alaric: You're lying.

Damon: Am I? Why don't you ask her for yourself? Coward. Come on, Elena.

[Damon and Elena start to leave.]

Alaric: All right! Wait. I'll go.

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