Chapter 25 ~ Delta's bloodlust

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Delta POV

We have been taken in by the greeks and if i was being completley honest i didnt feel so good. Something about this realm I had these silly visions about how there was this pit that held chaos. I was with my siblings in the same room however we weren't fighting we were....chanting. As if we were trying to resurrect something ancient. When i get home i'll have to ask father about this. Sadly I don't know why but after what felt as hours I don't think I have my powers. Which is strange considering I had great power over the four elements. For some reason since Earth is an element I have this faint really faint chitter in my gut every time I touched the walls.

Oddly enough the only one that has powers over here is that boy. I feel quilty that I jumped along with them but I just had this urge that I cannot explain. As if every absurd thought that I have, isn't mine, i'm compelled to do the thought even when I know that it isn't right and wrong. Ever since coming here I felt less compelled, I don't know maybe i'm going crazy here.

Anyways this greek headquarters felt as if it was sort of like a rebelion. They didn't have advanced weapony the romans did. The greeks fought like a group of gorilla warfare, I was supposed to take out this warlord, and "War Bringer" It looks just like Percy's earth when it was the year 1934, but advanced. The weaponery there was a simple look but their tech was beyond Earth's present technolgy.

Anyways the rebellion had nothing but weak pistols, guns, and horrible rifles. However they pack a punch with the real primary. training was for the sword, and dagger. And sometimes spears. They never wore heavy armour because they had to be quick, agile , and well light on their feet. The greeks reminded me of myself when I was an Assassin.

Right now the greeks is interrogating Percy Leo. I wonder what was happening with them.

All of a sudden a burning that I could feel was burning in my right breast. I fell from my bunk onto the ground clenching my chest, I have never ever felt that type of pain in my life. Then after the agony lasted only 12 seconds I quickly took off my armor and my cloak to notice the most oddest symbol. With the oddest symbol I started to feel really uneasy, like I can't stop with the feeling of everything I knew was wrong.

I looked down at my at my right breast and noticed it was my name. Now now, I'm not THAT type of person.

But it was three triangles infused with each other. My body was reacting poorly to this brand. My ribs started to ache, my head started to spin and I felt blood slowly rush my head as if I was hanging upside down for awhile.

I felt nauseous and sick.

What is going on?

"Delta your father's true intentions was revealed and Perseus' oldest rival has communicated with your wife. Soon your old memories will be unveiled, your true ways, true self will come to character." Easter bunny stated in my mind, just the thought of anything made me close to vomit.

I can't possibly call you Easter bunny. What was your name from a past life?

Delta you have to understand that I am also an entity that was an heir to a powerful throne. At some point I was also the son of your father but the circumstances was different.

Your name?

Zuma. My name was Zuma.

"Well Zuma tell me why I feel so damn sick." I asked myself as I rolled on the floor holding my stomach. I then rolled to my side my face touching the cold cement focusing on my breathing and trying not to throw up.

For more then 1000 millennia you were under the the spell of your father. He casted away your unique special abilities. Your father changed your whole way of fighting. Ever since you entered this domain you became freed of his control. You must survive your fight to find the person your looking for.

I don't understand why but I felt as if he was telling the truth. Ever since I got here I couldn't shake the feeling that I had this bloodlust for my own father.

All I know is that we need to find this thing revive Echo, and we need to fight back. Maybe just maybe....


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