Chapter 2 ~ The Race of Our Lives

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Nick POV

I gripped my ankle, Delta and The King placed both of their left foot on the edge of the Jackal's Bain

"First one to push the stick down, wins." I told them. I played as if I struggled to get up on my feet. I then acted as if I messed up and I feel on the ground.

To the unaware eye, it just looks like I just fell, But if you really looked closely, I dragged my hand over the Jackal's Bain. Delta got up and hauled me to my feet.

As he held me Delta fixed the line of the powder to place making him the caster of this new magic.

Now all what we have to do, is trap the king, and book it over camp grounds before the other wolves separates the Cast and chase us down.

They both got ready and I slowly, let equal weight on my feet watching their feet.


"Ready." They both spoke at once.

"Get set, Ready...." I trailed off. Delta looked at me and gave me a small unnoticeable nod.


The king was already ahead and Delta raced but then thrusted out his hands. The king then launched forward and smacked into the barrier.

I didn't see anything else, cause I booked it after seeing that.

I heard wolves barking, Delta then came from a branch and rolled into the ground. I raised my hand and threw it behind me, a small wave from the lake, tripped the front row of the fastest Wolves, and we kept running.

Then when we passed the spot Delta and I was sitting at, a bright gold and white blinded my eyes. I felt arms wrap around me before I felt wind blowing at me.


After what felt like a minute I felt soft grass smack me into the face. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see nothing but the moon glisten off the water.

I pushed myself up and I saw that Delta was almost as confused as myself.

"What the-"

"Come on, I'm sure whatever that was, probably saved our life." He told me. I nodded and looked behind where the Wolf king trapped us.

We both walked to camp completely shocked and confused about the light

I'm thankful that Apollo did that for us in all, but why? Why wouldn't he just burn the wolves? Why couldn't he just...

Gods, Mom might help me.

We both walked until we saw that there was a huge fire, people held their heads down.

"It's them!" Someone called. Everyone snapped their heads up and made both Delta and I freeze like a dear in headlights.

Both Emily, and Mom stomped towards us. Emily reached us first, and she slapped Delta in the face hard before kissing him.

Mom wrapped her arms around me before kissing my forehead. I raised my arms to hug her back, but she then gripped and pulled on my ear.

"Ow! Geez Mom! What gives?!" I hissed. Mom pulled my ear to Cabin three.

When we got in and she closed the door she let go of my ear.

"Mom what-" I started rubbing my ear.

"What gives you the most brilliant Idea to hide for FOUR days!?" She screamed. I looked up at her as if your crazy.


"Don't play stupid with me Nicholas Heel Jackson!" She yelled crossing her arms.

"M-Mom, Are you sure it's been four days?" I asked her. I couldn't control it, but I started to panic. Someone or-Something teleported us to the future. Plus, when we went through the light, it was only a minute. But it seems to push us four days.

"Yes. It's 11:53, It marks it 5 days in a couple minutes." She told me. Her expression changed from anger, to confusion.

"Mom...Is Apollo able to...send people to the future?"

"Nicholas, what are you talking about?" She asked me. I rubbed the back of my neck and sat down at the foot of Dad's bed.

"Th-There was this, this like, gold whitish, light. It, it felt as if Hermes ran in front of it possible that if Apollo and Hermes worked together they can send Delta and I to the future?" I told her my mind hurting trying to figure out what happened.

"Woah, woah, woah. Nicholas I want you to tell me everything you remember." She told me, sitting down next to her.

I opened my mouth to speak, but then there was a knock on the door. Mom rolled her eyes before getting up and opening the door open.

Delta, Emily, and Chaos all filled inside the cabin.

"Yes?" Mom asked a little harshly at Chaos. Ever since Dad has been unconscious for about 3 days, she started to blame, Chaos for it.

Deep down inside I kind of did Blame him a little bit too. But you can't do it to him. I mean, we are now all terrified of Order. I wouldn't blame if Chaos himself did too.

But then again, Chaos could have helped the three out. Together, Dad, Echo might be even awake right now.

"Annabeth, relax. They just want to see if my story is true." Delta told her. She sighed before turning around on her heel.

"So um...Delta and I was just sitting barely outside camp grounds. We then heard growling coming deeper into the woods. So Delta and I walked deeper, and then Delta saved me by tackling me into the ground. Unfortunately there was a border of..."

"Jackal's Bain." Delta helped. I nodded.

"Yeah, that. The Wolf king trapped us there and we some how managed to trick them. We were running, and when we were only about 15 feet away, a bright, gold whitish light appeared out of no-where. We then noticed that it was night and walked to the camp. And that's it." I told them.

"See, I told you."

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