Chapter 5 ~ God, I never stop seeing Him!

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Delta POV

I woke up in a comfortable bed, I slowly leaned back and stretched my back as I opened my eyes.

Three things I noticed.

1, This bed is really comfortable.

2) Nick is right beside me snoring

3) There is no bed in the woods.

I quickly jumped up in a start and I fell off the bed with a thud. Nick woke up to the sudden noise and we jumped to our feet.

We looked around to see that we were in a very very modern room, with a tv, nice bed, a desk, a window of a view of a pool and the over look of a city.

"What the hell!?" Nick screamed. I turned to see that we were both wearing outfits, but I was completely stripped of all my weapons, Nick too.

"What the hell..."

Delta. We have decided to help you and Percy's Son. We have placed you in the most identical universe that has everyone from your universe in. Your all teenagers, and you have to live the roles as these versions of yourselves. You must take a small sample of both Echo and Percy's DNA. You also must capture Percy's Parents. Whom is Paul Jackson, and Sally Jackson. Paul Jackson is Percy's step father. Find them and we'll send Percy's teacher to revive him and teach you to communicate with me. We'll give you instructions to revive Echo as well, but you must hurry before they both lose memories for ever and is under Order's control.

"Delta!" Nick yelled as he slapped me hard. I fell back on the bed and stood up and slapped him back.

His face turned right as I slapped him. He looked at me and slapped me in the face again.

I slapped him

He slapped me

I slapped him.

We kept going at it before I slapped him and ducked and pushed him on the bed.


"Why were you spacing out now? Where are we?" He asked. I sighed.

"The Spirits sent us here. They were the ones that sent us in the future 4 days. They're helping us revive your Dad and Echo."

"Great just great." He said as he pressed his head back.

A piece of paper started to float down from the ground. I snatched it out of the air and Nick crawled on the bed near me to peek.

"Dear Delta,

Your name is Adam. Percy's son is still Nicholas but doesn't have any relations to his father. You must play the roles of Highschoolers, get close to the Seven and Echo and befriend them. You only need a small sample of DNA from the both of them. Find out Echo's Identity before you leave. Nicholas' physical appearance has been faltered in hopes of staying undetected.

Happy hunting you two. You both are the New Kids of Goode High."

Oh great they have a sense of Humor.

Yes, yes we do child.

"Breakfast!" A woman's voice called for us. Nick and I looked at each other and shrugged.

Well, at least he'll have a some what childhood.


We sat on the bus completely shocked at who was our "Parents" is. I almost felt sick to my stomach.

Our mom was...

Nyx the Mother of the Night.

And Ebros Father of the Night.

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