Chapter 17 ~ New Rivalry and Secrets

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Liam POV

The bright white sun blinded me as we entered unfamiliar territory of Camp Half blood.

I saw that everyone was already here. But I had to hold my arm up high to give my eyes a break from the bright star in the sky.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked us I opened my mouth with a smile.

"It was-"

"Dark, thrown around, difficult, but we got the job done." Percy told her. I noticed that Percy was a lot more tense ever sense we went on that journey.

We all stood next to each other and then Jason cleared his throat and held a scroll in front of his face.

He mumbled 5 words and then the ground started to shake. Then a purple portal opened and a man was on a dragon's head. Jason and Hazel took their weapons out and get ready to fight.

"Stand your ground David and I gone through enough." The man on the Dragon stated. He jumped down and landed on the soft grass. He landed perfectly but he dropped to his knees and face planted and breathed in the ground.

"By the divinity! I love your world a lot better."

We all stared at this thing in confusion. I just wondered if this man was either a villan we had to fight or an ally.

"Oh yeah, I have the stuff." He mumbled pushing himself up and he handed Jason three tubes.

"That's Ignoor, the first one like me, which was a pain in the arse if you ask me, and Mine. We gotta go, yeno Civil War and keeping the family safe. Use that shout if you ever need me. Good luck getting your friend safe Jason Grace." He told him before he walked through the portal the dragon behind him.

"We got everything." Jason said as he lifted his hand. I noticed Leo had a ridiculous cape on his back. He looked like a elf version of Hercules when he wore the nemion lion's skin.

We all walked into the cabin where the man was unconscious. There was a 6 separate bath tubs and we agreed that only 4 people would go just in case we find another useful ally. The mentors told us that the least would be 4 and the most be 5. The spell only can bring back 6 people and they need one spot to bring back the main person.

"Who will go?" Frank asked. I shook my head and rolled up my sleeves.

"I'll go."

"Woah, woah no. Your not going to risk your life. You just got here." Piper stated like a mother. I shook my head.

"No, I don't feel at home here. Ever since the wars I have been in, the battle fields ARE my second my home." I told them before I started to take off my shoes and socks.

"He is correct, He is very Important of this Ritual."

I put my hoodie up. And clenched my staff. I then walked on the other side of Echo's bunk next to the tubs where I faced the others.

"How can Liam even drown? He's a son of a sea god." Percy stated. Tom just shrugged his shoulders.

"This spell? It's waaay to powerful to resist. And it's also blood your bathing in." Tom responded. Percy started to take off his socks before making a sour face.

"No your not. I'll take his place." Annabeth told him. He shook his head.

"Annabeth you need to sit this battle out. We don't know what is going to be there." Percy told his girlfriend. She glared daggers at him. He just shrugged and put his socks back on.

"What about you?"

"I'll go." Delta said. Jerry grabbed the powerful God's arm.

"You've been on enough journeys."

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