OFD in Japan: Team Change (1)

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a/n: hey, it's me! sorry for being so inactive on wattpad, school has been at my ass and i cannot seem to find a spare moment to write which pisses me off! this is the first part of the episode.

i just want to break it up a little: the team change on one and the rest of the episode on another chapter

plus, my english teacher is a fucking dickward and should die in a motherfucking fire. sorry, i needed to rant and i vow to make sure he suffers in agony.

anyway, here's my favorite chapter so far!

Everyone's face contoured in shock as they revealed the CARAT bomb and we stared at the crew then back to the oppa team as S.Coups waves it around like a little wand.

"No way..." DK mutters as I start to feel scared, butterflies forming rapidly in my stomach and I start to shake a little.

"I had two members in my mind when I first received it." S.Coups starts off as I want him to hurry up and announce who the poor soul from our team that is transferring to the oppa team.

And, I pray to Holy Ji Soo Christ, it isn't me... please

I start mouthing Mingyu, copying Seungkwan then retaliate by pointing at Seungkwan while we all still sat there with nerves building up at every second that S.Coups decides to stall for time and dramatic effect.

"I'm deciding, right? Since I'm the leader?" he looks to his team for approval and they give him a hesitant "Ne" before he turns back to face us and I want to rub that smug smirk off his face.

"First, I will announce the member I'll take from the dongsaeng team." Everyone starts doing this drumroll as I look to the ground, praying it isn't me and hope it is either Seungkwan or Mingyu. 







"PARK EUNYOUNG, COME HERE!" he shouted and I groaned, sighing deeply with disappointment and frustration while everyone else cheered.

"PARK EUNYOUNG, COME HERE!" he shouted and I groaned, sighing deeply with disappointment and frustration while everyone else cheered

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Interview Cam: "Why did they pick me? I am curious to know; I don't possess that many skills but eating and sleeping..."

"It's hard to react but all I knew was, I lost my freedom and my soul has departed me for the thousandth time. It's going to be hard to adjust and I will murder S.Coups oppa with my own two hands!"

"But, Wonwoo, I'm stuck on a team with Wonwoo! But, let's hope he or S.Coups get move. I really want to be with Hoshi oppa and Jun oppa."

I did the most unenthusiastic chant ever known to mankind. I was still so disappointed that I'd have to depart my team to join that annoying oppa team and leave Seungkwan behind along with everyone else.

"What to do, Eunyoung?" DK tried to give me sympathy as I looked at my new team with a glare but still shaking in fear, not knowing what I'll suffer and they all gave me hearts while I returned it with glares.

Then, it was time to figure out who will change from the oppa team to the dongsaeng team. It was S.Coups for retaliation but then Wonwoo turned into a "honest knight" and it was a complete failure.

It was Hoshi and I was so depressed. 

"Time to change." called out S.Coups as I didn't want to move but had no choice. Crawling out of my spot, I stand up, picking my jacket up and looked at Seungkwan, Dino, Mingyu... everyone in my former team with sad eyes.

"Do well, oppa." I told Hoshi as I hugged him hard, letting tears fall and he gave me a gentle squeeze before we both hesitantly pulled away and I looked at my team in fear.

"I'll take care of you, maknae." Wonwoo placed me on his lap as I sigh, head in my hands as everyone on my new team seemed to love  me joining them, I will get revenge.

[English sub of team change: turn on CC]


The dongsaeng team had to do the dishes and I took the time to call Samuel to moan about my luck and how it had failed me.

"It's alright, jagiya! You can do it." he encouraged me as I sighed and heard him talking to someone before returning back to the call.

"Sorry, management, baby." he said as I complained to him some more before I had to hang up and got dragged into the oppa team meeting and looked at them before sitting on Jun's lap while listening to the conversation.


We came together to do the picking of the new leader, thank Merlin!

I did grabby hands to Hoshi as he reacted the same way before Woozi pulled me towards the back and I pouted, trying to reach him but Woozi clung onto me.

Joshua was the new leader and everyone (except me) went to bow down before him. Looking at them in pure shock, I focused on DK who was trying to shake out the balls before he finally got one.

"HOSHI!" I ran up to give him a congratulatory hug and that's when Joshua pulled me away. Here I was now forever trapped in this group and I sighed before we got some sleep.

Trying to sneak into the dongsaeng room by order of the... entire freaking team, I managed to get 10 minutes of being trapped in Hoshi's arms before they all bursted into the room and dragged me out.

At the moment, I could not be bothered fighting so I let Jeonghan carry me and slept in S.Coups tight embrace yet when I woke up, I was in Minghao's...

Explanation, please?

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