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We stay like this until my tears start to disappear, I pull away and look him

He quickly moves his hands to his mouth, he turns a little shy

"your to sweet Jo, the world needs more of you" I say with a small smile

He blushes and giggles

I look up to see the rest of BTS and Jackson sat around a large table with sad smiles on their faces

Jo quickly runs back to the table and sits back on V's lap and continues coloring

I smile at the sight, he's just so cute

I make my way over and sit down, nobody even says a word

"so how did it go?" jungkook asks, breaking the awkward silence

Bless him

"well I'm still alive so I'd say pretty good" I chuckle a little and rub my thighs

I'm shivering and I can tell my lips have turned a little blue, well I am completely soaking

"I'm guessing you saw" Jackson says as he looks to the floor

I just nod and sigh a little

I don't even want to know what happened

"your stuff is over there and the bathroom is down the hallway" Namjoon says while nodding in the direction of a door

I just nod and stand up, my leg has gone a little numb and the cut hurts a lot

I untie the cloth and blood begins to run down my leg

"fuck" I mumble under my breath

I can see a small piece of glass poking out

Jin quickly jumps up

"ill be back in a second" he says as he leaves

He comes back 5 minutes later with a first aid kit, he motions for me to sit down on a table, away from everyone

I do exactly that

"I don't mean to be weird but your going to have to take your trousers off" he says awkwardly, a faint blush appearing on his face

He was a play boy but he gets awkward in a situation like this?

Jesus Christ

I just shrug and pull my trousers down to just above my knees and sit back down

I lean back a little and moves closer, pulling out some tweezers

Fuck my life, this is going to hurt

He doesn't even warn me and just pulls the glass out, I jump and shut my eyes tightly

"thanks for the warning" I say as I shake my head a little

He laughs a little

"sorry" he mumbles as I open my eyes

I can feel myself heat up a little, my throat turns a little dry

He's very close and it's making me feel awkward, he reaches over and grabs bandages, causing him to move a little closer

Why am I like this? Just stop

Yes he's attractive but I still have a megs crush on Jackson

He wraps it around my leg, he looks hot when he's concentrating

"all done" he says with a smile

I smile back and just as Im about to jump off the table and get tf out of this situation, he leans in

NOSE BLEED //:A BTS fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now