1. Everything has changed

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First days. Everybody knows they freaking suck. Starting new can feel liberating but it can also be terrifying. And in this moment as I’m walking up these stairs I don’t fell liberated all I feel is terrified.

All around me there’s new faces. As I search the crowd for the only person I actually know here, everything begins to sink in. I’m an adult now. I’m responsible for every single decision I make. I’m in college, this is where it all starts. This is supposed to be the best time of my life and I can’t help but feel like I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready to leave everything behind and I’m definitely not ready be and adult and live by myself.

As I look around I start to freak out a little bit because everyone seems to be making friends but me. Not that I’m surprised because that always happens. I’m used to it by now.

I bite my nails which are now painted black to try and stop stressing out.

“Hey,” someone says from behind me tapping me on the shoulder. I turn around and see a green haired boy smiling at me.

“Hi.” I smile back at him. I find it a bit surprising that someone would actually come up and talk to me but I just go with it.

“You look a little lost. Do you need help?” This guy seems really nice and I think maybe he can be my first friend here but then I remembered some stuff that happened in high school and wonder if he’s only talking to me to make fun of me. That has happened too many times before.

“I’m actually waiting for someone. He’s just a little late as usual.”  I tell him nervously.

“You shouldn’t be with someone who makes you wait. Just dump him and go out with me,” he says playfully. It’s obvious he’s just joking around and I find him completely adorable.

 “As great as your proposition sounds I can’t really dump someone who I’m related to. I’m waiting for my brother. He’s a sophomore.” I notice his eyes light up with my words.

“I’m Michael,” he introduces himself.

“I’m Mia.”

“Can I get you number?” He reaches for his phone in his pocket and hands it to me. He must notice my uncertainty because he adds;”You know it’s just in case your brother doesn’t show up and you need someone to show you around.” I put my number into his phone and then text myself from it.

I thank him as I give him back his phone.

“I’ll see you around Mia,” he speaks before turning around.

“Bye Michael,” I say as he walks away.

This little interaction with the green haired boy made feel a little bit better about my whole situation but I’m still scared that I won’t have any friends.

As I begin to grow tired of waiting I sit on the steps and try to call my brother for the tenth time. And this time he actually picks up.

“Mia don’t say anything. I’m sorry I’m late. Just meet me at that coffee shop I took you to when you came to visit last year. You remember it, right?” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer him before he hangs up.

I love my brother but sometimes I feel like I want to kill him. He was supposed to meet me here half an hour ago, but doesn’t show up and then ignores my calls and when he finally picks up the damn phone he changes the location of where we’re meeting. God, he’s lucky he’s all I have.

I start walking to the coffee shop he mentioned on the call and take the chance to look around the campus as I take each step. I remember exactly where the coffee shop is because the last time I was here visiting my brother it was one of the best days of my life. Let’s just say that last year was a pretty crappie one and it didn’t take much to make me happy and a day with the person I love the most in the world just did it for me.

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