Chapter 32- lockscreen

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         Is it so bad that I just want to be able to hold her hand, to kiss her, to call her mine? Why can't it be simple- two people who like one another? It should be simple. Why does he need to be here to complicate things? Can he honestly just not keep his hands off a single girl he meets?

          Why can't she open her eyes and realize that he's just going to throw her away like everyone else? He'll get over her so fast that it'll break her. Is she so blind that she doesn't see how much I really love her...

           All I can do is stare back into my own eyes as a few tears roll down my cheeks. I purse my lips, trying not to cry anymore.

            It is what it is. It'll always be the same in the end. I'll stay her best friend, and we'll still be happy, but I'll just have to watch her hold hands with and kiss someone else. I just wish things could be different.

          I just wish she would've told me.

           I briefly wash my face and go out. I say bye to everyone, finding it difficult to smile at Jungkook. Even at Ji-won. I've never lied to her, so I can barely even keep up the act. Within seconds of walking to my car she knows somethings up.

          "Hobi you alright?" She asks, leaning forward to try to see my face.


          And we walk in silence that hurts. I know she's gonna ask again soon, I have to say something. I can't just pretend to be stupid and oblivious while she plays with my feelings.

           We talk a little during the first 10 minutes of the car ride, mostly her and me responding dryly.

          "Hoseok." She says, sighing. "Tell me what's up."

           I hesitate, not taking my eyes of the road. "You should first."

          "What do you mean?"

         I chuckle bitterly with no amusement. "Are you and Jungkook together?"

          There's a long pause of silence. I finally turn to look her in the eye, and she has a worried but confused expression.

            She blinks, snapping out of it and shakes her head. "No, why are-"

          "No, wait a second," I begin cutting her off. Maybe my voice was harsh, but I was done worrying about it. "Don't lie to me."

           "I'm not dating him." She says firmly. "Why." More of a demand than a question.

           I turn back to the road. "I saw his lock screen. Don't tell me that you guys aren't together, I saw it."

            I saw her reflection on the glass, and her eyes went slightly wider.

           "T-that wasn't what you think it was."

          "Ji-won," I say, getting more mad. "It doesn't matter what excuse you have. It still happened."

           "I didn't kiss him, it was him, and it was a joke, I-"

          "It doesn't matter." I say again, making her go quiet. "Why do you have to make excuses? Why do you feel the need to make me believe something else? If you like him that much and you want to be with him then just tell me!" I snap. "Don't lead me on if I'm just a burden in all this."

          "It's nothing like that!" She says, raising her voice. "It's nothing like that." She repeats. I noticed her fists were clenched.

             "Then what is it?"

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