ThaiViet, AmeViet, NorViet, and ChuViet

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Lot of Viet in this chapter lmao...

I'll start with ThaiViet. Historically, it makes sense. Thailand and Vietnam have had relations dating back to the 16th century. Thailand has an embassy in Hanoi and Vietnam has an embassy in Bangkok. Both countries are members of the ASEAN. Both countries were under influence of India during historical past, as Siam and the southern part of Vietnam, Champa, were heavily Indianized by culture.During 18th century, one of Thailand's most revered kings, Taksin, who united Siamese and liberate Siam from Burmese occupation and laid down the modern development of Siam, was of Vietnamese descent. While there was some agression between them after Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia, this hostility ended in 1989, when the Vietnamese force retreated from Cambodia.

There aren't really any canon ThaiViet moments (in anime), but this is pretty much because both characters are very minor and they only make a few appearances. I think that if Thailand and Vietnam were more influential characters in the anime, they would be seen together a lot more often.

I may not ship ThaiViet myself, because of TaiViet, but I honestly like it anyway.

I may not ship ThaiViet myself, because of TaiViet, but I honestly like it anyway

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On to AmeViet! You know, I've never really thought of AmeViet before. Historically, America and Vietnam have had relations during WWII. After a 20-year hiatus of severed ties, Bill Clinton  announced the formal normalization of diplomatic relations between America and Vietnam on July 11, 1995.

In canon, they haven't spoken, but again, this is due to the fact that Vietnam isn't that influential of a character. Even if she was, though, I don't think that she and America would be seen together that often, which is why I don't really ship AmeViet.

Okay, moving on... wait a second. NorViet? That's a thing? Huh. Strange.

Historically, I couldn't find anything about Norway and Vietnam relations. Canonically, they don't speak. So this leaves the question... why do people ship NorViet? Until I get that answered, I don't understand NorViet and therefore don't ship it.

And that leaves the last ship of today, ChuViet. China and Vietnam have had turbulent relations over the years, despite their common Sinospheric and socialist background.Centuries of conquest by China has given Vietnam an entrenched suspicion of Chinese attempts to dominate it. Though China assisted N. Vietnam during the Vietnam War, relations between the two nations soured following Vietnam's reunification in 1975.China and Vietnam also fought a prolonged border war from 1979 to 1990. Generally, there's been some hostility between them.

Again, no canon exchanges. I think that even if Vietnam was a more popular character, she and China wouldn't like each other much due to all the stuff that happened between them. So no, I don't ship ChuViet.

ThaiViet: 7.5/10

AmeViet: 4/10

NorViet: 1/10

ChuViet: 3/10

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