DenNor (+ honorable mention: HongIce)

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DenNor - a ship I mentioned last chapter, when I was telling everyone how much SuDen sucks. In this chapter, I will delve deeper into the wonderfulness that is DenNor. Which you would know if you read the title.

Denmark and Norway have a very long history together. First off, there was the Kalmar Union, a series of personal unions that united not only Denmark and Norway but also Sweden (with Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Shetland, and Orkney). Under the union, the countries had technically not given up their independence but were all under rule by one monarch. However, the Swedish nobility's dissatisfaction over the dominance played by Denmark eventually caused problems that hampered the union several times from the 1430's to the union's breakup in 1523. But Norway continued to remain part of the realm of Denmark-Norway under the Oldenburg dynasty for several centuries.
Denmark-Norway was a former union consisting of Denmark and Norway (and included the originally Norwegian dependencies of Iceland, Greenland, and Faroe Islands - note that I said Iceland... so I guess Norway really is your big brother, Icey...) The union was formed in 1524 and lasted until 1814.

So as you can see, Norway and Denmark have been united for pretty much most of the time they existed, and as far as I could tell, were never in a war against each other. Even in WWII, they were on the same side and were occupied by Germany.

The Nordics may not get much screen time in Hetalia, but there's still a couple of DenNor moments to choose from. The first time we see the Nordics, when Iceland took his DNA test, we see Norway pulling Denmark's tie. I believe that some people take this as a sign of abuse, and write fanfics where Norway abuses Denmark. This makes me extremely uncomfortable, since I took the whole tie-pulling thing as a joke, and I don't think it's okay to base stories off of that one thing, since there was no other evidence. Now as I was saying, the tie thing, to me, was just Norway being a tsundere. Speaking of tsundere, Norway is a tsundere, to Denmark and basically everyone, except maybe Iceland. Furthermore, Iceland is also a tsundere (but we'll get to that later). Basically, I think that DenNor is a cute pairing because the tsundere x bubbly happy person thing (cough cough UsUK).

#3: It's adorable.
These two are just amazingly cute. Yes, it's true that there's some... not really PG stuff about DenNor out there, but come on. That's literally every ship in Hetalia (except SuFin, duh). Have some fanart.

 Have some fanart

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And this one might not be that fluffy but I just found it hilarious cuz the rest of the Nordics in the background (also Icey lmao)

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And this one might not be that fluffy but I just found it hilarious cuz the rest of the Nordics in the background (also Icey lmao)

And this one might not be that fluffy but I just found it hilarious cuz the rest of the Nordics in the background (also Icey lmao)

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So yes, you should ship DenNor. AND NO SUDEN. SUDEN IS HORRIBLE.

Okay, now for the honorable mention: HongIce. I only heard of this ship a couple of months ago, and I really didn't understand it. As far as I could tell, there wasn't much reason (historical or canonical) to ship it. Iceland and Hong Kong couldn't really be considered the best of friends. They don't hate each other, but then again they don't really like each other. They don't have many relations. Heck, I could barely find a Wikipedia article on their relations. Basically, they began relations in 1971, which is not that long ago. And in canon, I've never seen them speak more than two sentences to each other. True, they both have the "emotionless" vibe going on, but if you ask me that's not really a reason to ship them. With that logic, you'd ship America and Denmark (do people actually ship that please tell me no one ships that). So no, I don't ship HongIce, and I don't really understand why it's as popular as it is - but if you ship HongIce, please tell me why??

A/N: You may have noticed that I have added a little rating thing in every chapter, with all the ships mentioned. I've decided to do this so it's easier for readers to see what I think. So, just expect that in every chapter.

DenNor: 9.5/10

HongIce: 3.5/10

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