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GiriPan is OTP. I don't care what you say. GiriPan is my OTP. And before you read this, know that I will defend GiriPan like a rabid dog.

GiriPan. As you know by now, GiriPan is my OTP. And here's why.

#1: There's historical reason to ship it.
Greece and Japan's governments have gotten along well for some time now. They established diplomatic relations in 1899, and there has been a Greek Embassy in Tokyo since 1960, and a Japanese Embassy in Athens since the same year. While there was a "minor setback" (as I, a fellow GiriPan shipper) call it, back in WWII, Greece and Japan still cooperate closely to this day. They are working together to upgradetheir bilateral relations as well as in their response to international crises. Leaders in both countries have frequent high-level meetings. Oh, and, "In terms of bilateral visits, the then Prime Minister of Greece, Konstantinos Simitis, visited Japan between 3–5 March 2002, accompanied by a delegation of businessmen and journalists, while the Speaker of the Greek Parliament, Mrs. Anna Psarouda-Benaki, visited Tokyo from 29 May to 3 June 2005". That's plenty of historical reason. More than enough, I'd say.

#2: There's canonical reason to ship it.
Greece and Japan have been shown together multiple times, in multiple episodes. And, as you would know if you read the part about SwissAus, it's basically meant to be. I mean, come on. Greece shows Japan around. Japan gives Greece cat ears (which was the cutest f*kin thing I've ever seen). And (don't quote me on this because I'm not sure), I think they slept next to each other in a field.
Oh yeah, and in Lazy Comic Country, Japan and Greece slept together. Like, actually slept together. And if you're one of those people who says, *squeaky voice impersonation* "it was only implied its not canon we don't know if it happened-" SHHHT UP. IT HAPPENED. I WILL BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART.

Sorry Japan, but it wasn't a dream *glares at non-believers*

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Sorry Japan, but it wasn't a dream *glares at non-believers*.

#3: They. Are. So. F*kin. Cute.
Their personalities are perfect for each other. Both quiet, slightly philosophical, etc. And I think that the way Japan is uncomfortable with sexual stuff and Greece isn't just makes the ship better and more adorable. Here, have some awesome GiriPan fanarts to prove me right even more and because I have like 7897421 and counting on my computer.

 Here, have some awesome GiriPan fanarts to prove me right even more and because I have like 7897421 and counting on my computer

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Luckily, GiriPan doesn't get much negative press, and doesn't have much competition (unless if you ship AmeriPan, in which case what are you doing with your life). The only sad thing is, it doesn't get much positive press either. I feel like not enough people know about GiriPan, which is sad.

Oh, and, really quickly, let's talk about AmeriPan.

Needless to say, I don't ship it. I mean, come on. I just wrote a whole chapter on how and why GiriPan is my OTP. But, I suppose I understand why people ship AmeriPan. They are friends in the anime, after all. But the way they met immediately turned me off the ship. I mean, America just barrels into Japan asking for a ridiculous amount of things? Granted, that is his specialty, but still. I felt so bad for poor Japan, especially since I understood the whole anti-social aspect of Japan. Just saying, AmeriPan isn't my ship. America and Japan are friends, and they should stay friends.

Also, let's discuss NetherPan. Again, I don't ship it. But I do like it better than AmeriPan, and, honestly, there were a couple of cute NetherPan moments in the anime. Netherlands and Japan have been friends ever since Japan's isolationist period, which brought them close, obviously. There was that one moment in the anime that Netherlands and Japan were shown together. Plus I like how Japan had Netherlands as his only friend for a while, it just makes the ship cuter. Also I think Netherlands gave Japan tulips once, but that could've been a headcanon. I'm not sure at this point. There are some people who think there should be a love triangle between Netherlands, Japan, and America, since Netherlands didn't like it when Japan signed a treaty with America, but I don't like that idea much.

In conclusion? Ship GiriPan.

GiriPan: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10

AmeriPan: 4.5/10

NetherPan: 6.5/10

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