UsUK v.s. FrUK

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That's right, people. We're starting off with the bare basics. Or, as some people view it, the two most controversial ships in Hetalia. And I can see why. I myself am pretty conflicted with these two particular ships. I used to ship UsUK like there was no tomorrow, but now I have no idea what to think. So let me break it down for you.

Many people don't like UsUK because they consider it incest. I don't think it's incest - after all, England and America are basically just adopted brothers, and I don't even consider them brothers anymore after the whole Revolutionary War episode where America broke off from England.

I used to think that France and England were actually brothers, as in actually related, like, for example, Romano and Italy. After a couple of hours on the Hetalia wiki I found out that that wasn't true. Oh well. And that caused me to be conflicted. At first, when I was still a budding young Hetalian, I shipped UsUK pretty much only because I thought that France and England were related, and adopted brothers is better than actual brothers when it comes to ships. Then I got into the whole corner of UsUK where there's all those cute UsUK fanarts, angsty fanfics that made me cry but still made me happy (cough cough We'll Meet Again), and the whole cute tsundere x bubbly happy person thing. But nope! France and England are not siblings.

And now to discuss FrUK. My biggest problem with FrUK is that I don't like France. No, I'm not saying he's a pedophile, rapist, blah blah blah, so all of you France groupies can put your pitchforks and torches down. I just don't like him much. And I didn't really know exactly why I didn't like France until recently. Now, this may be a pretty stupid reason to not like France, I don't know, but I just thought he was wayyyyy too different from me. In a bad way. Honestly he's, like, everything bad about romance put together in one person. Most of the things he does just. Make. Me. Cringe.

When I began watching Hetalia, my hatred for France was practically unparalleled. I mean, I really really hated France. However, towards the end of the anime, I found I was starting to, well, not hate him as much. Don't get me wrong, he's still a frog, but just not that much of a frog. And the thing that really tipped the scales in his favor were two episodes - the first one where the human whose grandfather met France talked to him and stuff, the second one with Lisa and that whole Jeanne d'Arc debacle. These episodes caused me to like France more since he acted like, well, less of a douche. I could almost see him acting like a normal human being.

Plus, there's the whole deal with Paint it White being an excuse for the animators to make a FrUK movie. So much so that it should have been called FrUK: The Movie.

So then, who to ship (and if you say it should be a threesome... just... are you sure about that)?

The answer? I HAVE NO IDEA. Yep, I'm starting off this book with indecision.

UsUK might not exactly be incest in my eyes, but FrUK is still less incest that UsUK. I think I would have jumped ship to FrUK a long time ago if I didn't dislike France so much. Even now, with my France anger toned down, I still don't want to ship FrUK (plus I kind of ship France with Joan of Arc so...). I guess I'll keep shipping UsUK because honestly, it's cute and I already ship France with someone else.

So now that we've got the two ships I'm most confused with out of the way, let's move on to bigger, greener pastures.

UsUK: 8.5/10

FrUK: 5/10

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