RoChu v.s. RusAme

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I ship RoChu. RusAme sucks. Side Note: Russia is a cinammon roll. idgaf what you say. Russia is my cinammon roll.

But let's begin with RusAme (which sucks), just because I'm a nice person. Okay, first, history. They hate each other. It's not tsundere. Yes, maybe their relations were originally friendly, back in... whenever their relations started, but they most certainly aren't anymore. Let's count, shall we? Fiasco #1: The Cold War. I'm not even going to get into the Cold War, because it's a lot of semi-boring history. But Russia was the leader of one side, and America was the leader of the other side. 

And do you, dear RusAme shippers, know what being the leader means? It means that you hate the other side so much that you'd like to be on the very front of the attack against them. Fiasco #2: The bombing of Yugoslavia. I'm not going to get much into this one since it has some personal bearing with me and it would probably turn into a 10-paragraph-long rant, but I'll just say that it caused Russian/American relations to further sour. Fiasco #3: The crisis in Ukraine. Fiasco #4: Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2015. 

Fiasco #5: Arguments about Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War. Fiasco #6: The obvious stuff about Russian intervention in the 2016 American presidential elections. This stuff all adds to the dislike between Russia and America. There are not one, not three, but six fiascos with Russia and America right in the middle. Some people argue that the Cold War, undoubtedly the biggest fiasco on the list, made RusAme better, but I don't agree at all. Yes, because wars definitely make ships better and more likeable! *note sarcasm*

Now that I've significantly told you how all of America and Russia's history does not make RusAme better, let's move on to canon.

In canon, Russia and America have spoken, though that's mostly because of Allies meetings. As far as I can remember, there isn't a single episode where America and Russia spend time alone. Plus there was the whole thing where Russia wrapped America in his scarf (no, not in a good way. go watch the episode). So, while America and Russia have certainly been seen together, there's really nothing between them personally. You'd be much better of shipping UsUK, or even AmeHun!

But now, let's get to one of my personal favorite ships... *drumroll but it doesn't really work because it's in the title* ROCHU!

Russia and China have had relations before, (both were Allies in WII obviously, though they still weren't the best of friends then, so I'm not getting into it) but they weren't really completely positive or amazing until the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Once that happened, their relations improved dramatically.In December 1998, at the end of Prime Minister 's visit to Moscow, Russia and China issued a joint communique pledging to build an 'equal and reliable partnership'. In 2001, the close relations between the two countries were formalized with a twenty-year strategic, economic, and implicit military treaty. So now China and Russia are good friends.

In canon, there are multiple RoChu moments. There's one where England falls asleep and America tells everyone to wake him up. Russia threatens to hit England with his pickaxe and China says that he wouldn't stop him, though that isn't a strictly RoChu moment (ahem UsUK). There's another time where China tells Russia that his chi isn't circulating correctly and his muscles are tense (noticing Russia's muscles, huh China? Huhhh? *sly grin*).

So yes, RoChu is amazing and you should ship it. No RusAme here thank you very much.

 No RusAme here thank you very much

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Those marriage fanarts always get to me... *dies of laughter again*

 *dies of laughter again*

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RoChu: 9.5/10

RusAme: 2/10

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