Chapter 12.

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A/N: Hey! First of all, I know that it may look like its becoming a more Cameron fanfic now too. Which I don't want it to be! I just don't want this to be your average story where they break she goes with someone else, he gets jealous and stuff. There's the crazy jealous other girl. And stuff, I want it to be more than about YouTube and Vine or about the boys. This is the story of Meredith Anderson, a character I adore. So, now that is said, enjoy reading lovely!



What on earth do I have to do now? I know what's going to happen, here it is:

Alessandra will fall in love with Cam, they'll probably have thing. But Cam has to leave in about 2 weeks to go on that tour thing. And Ale will stay here, heartbroken.

We came home, "No, Cameron! Don't even think about it I'm dead serious!" 

He stared at me. "You can't really say who she can hang out with and who not, Mer." 

"Maybe, but I can come after you if you hurt her." 

He came up to me and held me by my shoulders. "Don't worry Meredith."

"I am, I've seen how you act with your fans. If you ever are together you should know that you'll have to cut off of that."

"I know, I've never kissed a fan. At least not really kiss."

"Fine!" I went upstairs to put the last boxes in my room, I would be unpacking that later. And he stayed downstairs;

I took the time alone to search him up and his friends.

The ages varied a lot, he happened to be the oldest. I stumbled upon Nash- god he has blue eyes- and the rest of the boys. 

I went on his vine profile, he had millions of followers and his vines were so funny! I could understand why girls loved him so much.

I was looking at a photoshoot of him, when I also stumbled on a very very remarkable picture. My mouth dropped.



"Can you come up here. Like, right now!" I shouted downstairs. 

When he came in I was shaking a little, "Meredith! What's wrong." He held me tight and his eyes fell on my computerscreen.

"Woah," he breathed out. 

"It seems like someone saw us in that coffee shop.." 

I stared at the two photos of us, one of when he hugged me and we were laughing so hard. The caption read: "Who is this girl? And why is she heaving breakfast so early with Cam? Look at how he's hugging her, the way he looks at her! " 

What did this mean?!

"So does this happen a lot to you?"

"Nope, we only get pics together. They never really creep like that."

I suddenly felt in a very big lack of privacy, but then I remembered that this would be a usual from now on. I'd have  to get used to it.

His eyes were trailing off the screen.

"Look someone replied;" 

My eyes fell on one comment of someone, a photo was attached to it.

"We came across Cameron and this girl earlier today. So guys, here's what happened: I asked for a kiss on the lips and that girl was standing behind him and she like tried to stop him from to do it. But he cut her off. This is the picture my friend Ally took, if you look closely you can see her standing in the background." 

Another one said this:

"Wonder how they know each other."

"@CameronDallas please explain this to us!! #mysteriousgirl"

"I hope this isn't one of those TIMES again." What did she mean by that?

"Oh my good, they're even wearing similar clothes!"

"I ship it!"

"If only we knew what her name was!"

"@youtube-vinergirl look! I know this girl from somewhere!"

Saying that I was confused would be an understatement.

"Cam sorry, but I have tons of questions!"

He was now sitting behing me, and I was inbetween his legs. He hugged me, "I thought that was coming already."

"What on earth does the internet think right now?"

"Well the fandom. Is trying to figure out who you are, don't worry it won't take them too long."

"Oh, shouldn't we tell them that we're just really good friends?"

He thought about it, "Yeah, I think so. Just to still the rumors."

Cameron went on his twitter and opened for a new tweet to his millions followers;

"Just wanted to say, that me and Meredith are JUST FRIENDS. No worries guys, I'm still all yours." 

He attached a kissy emoji with it and send it off. It didn't take 5 minutes to get responses.

"Who else besides me thinks this is a lie?"

"Don't believe you Cam sorry."

"Still think she's kinda a jealous slut tho."

"That doesn't mean that she thinks you're JUST FRIENDS."

"Guys god, who are we to say he's lying or not? I believe him, and you all should actually."

"Someone look up who she is, this was in London!!" 

"Yeah right JUST FRIENDS."

"Follow me, I love you!" 

Hundreds of responses both positive and negative. But also a lot of things that didn't make sense.

I closed the tab. "Enough of that! Let's take a pic!!" I said. I wasn't going to waste time at drama and rumors that weren't true. Our family had had enough of those for a couple of decades.

We opened the photobooth and choose a black and white filter. How white girl-ish from me.

We smiled, took silly pictures, and hugged each other!

"Oh my god, this is one of my favorites I swear!" I said, pointing at one where he was hugging me from behind his chin resting on my shoulder and me laughing so much.

I decided to post it on twitter. Nobody knew who I was so it didn't really matter.

"Incredible day with my boo today!" I wrote as caption and attached the picture to it. Forget the thought that I was going to tag him in it. I'd just send the pic to him. 

 We were about to turn it all off and go to bed probably. Whe we had a incoming skype call.

A/N: Late update ik, I haven't been home for about 20 days and school started. Need I say more? Sorry, it's late and honestly things haven't been really pink and fluffy. But yeah, it's just how it is right?

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